Category Archives: Fitgirl Repack

OhShape Free Download PC game

OhShape Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

OhShape Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install OhShape Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download OhShape Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download OhShape igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

OhShape for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download OhShape on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install OhShape

Now to download and Install OhShape for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download OhShape on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

OhShape Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

We’ve been building the dark era 1 and along the way we’ve given a behind-the-scenes look and do how we do everything we’ve shown everything ranging from design and analysis to making molds making parts and making full assemblies every time we show our cad models we get asked what OhShape game download, are you using we originally started out using SolidWorks but along the way we end up switching over to on shape we thought it’d be good to tell a little bit of the background story on how we made that switch and why we’ve stuck with on shape to this day going back to the beginning as I mentioned we started off doing a lot of our design and concept work for the dark era one all in OhShape igg games.

The way it works with OhShape torrent download is you purchase a license and then you install it on your computer we actually went and built up an entire computer specifically to run OhShape ocean of games, you still have that computer to this day sitting right there and it’s what we used to run our router our plan was we were just going to have this one dedicated Saltworks machine to do all a design work on but you can see if we were going to have three people trying to share it and I’ll do design work on this computer it was going to become a bottleneck for our design process we could have built up three computers and had three OhShape fitgirl repacks licenses and then created some sort of network in between the computers to all of us to all work on the same design and share files but it would have been really costly and tricky and potentially error-prone so this was kind of a big problem for us around the same time we came across this new CAD program called OhShape pc which was all cloud based we wanted to check it out so we all created trial accounts.

In on shape and started playing around with the software and we pretty quickly realized that on ship had some unique features that we thought would be really useful both in the initial design stages for the dark heroine and long term for our company the first and biggest benefit we saw with on shape was that it was 100% cloud based this solved a couple of problems that we were running into with OhShape free download PC game.Being cloud-based meant that we weren’t tied to CAD workstations it actually meant that we didn’t really even need true CAD workstations it also meant that we didn’t have to worry about losing any of her data if we ever had any kind of hardware failure since all our files and her design would be stored in the cloud beyond that the way it was set up we could all work on the same design simultaneously without having to worry about accessing the latest version of our files we could access our files anywhere that we had an internet connection this has been extremely useful for us let me give you a few examples it was really nice having access to our models at the OhShape pc download air show .

Where we exhibited our progress in the dark our one prototype we were able to quickly and easily explain design details to potential customers by running on shape on a tablet it’s also useful to be able to access your models through on shapes mobile app when you’re at the store trying to buy some tools or materials that depend on a dimension in your design that you can’t remember off the top of your head another great benefit of accessing your models remotely is if you have some downtime while you’re traveling but you still want to get some work done another thing we liked about on shapes cloud features was its ability to share view only versions of our designs with customers we saw this as a way to more clearly illustrate to builders.

How everything goes together besides a cloud-based benefit we saw some advantages in the actual architecture of the software that we found particularly well-suited for modeling our design I thought a good way to show some of these advantages would be with our OhShape Free Download model for our horizontal stabilizer assembly which is the carbon fiber component sitting right back there this is where the horizontal stabilizer sits on the full aircraft ,it’s shown shaded in red and the horizontal stabilizer provides pitch control and pitch stability to the aircraft this is a closer look at the actual horizontal stabilizer which as I mentioned before is built from carbon fiber you can’t see it here because it’s fully assembled but there are a lot of internal pieces in this assembly so I’m going to use the CAD model to show the internals which look like this so as you can see in the model there are a lot of pieces and components between the ribs and sheer webs and hinges and then the outer skins this would be pretty tricky to model in SolidWork.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Cuckold Simulator Download PC game

Cuckold Simulator Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Cuckold Simulator Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Cuckold Simulator Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Cuckold Simulator Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Cuckold Simulator igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Cuckold Simulator for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Cuckold Simulator on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Cuckold Simulator

Now to download and Install Cuckold Simulator for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Cuckold Simulator on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Cuckold Simulator Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Cuckold Simulator Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Adam hey I thought I heard someone out here great to see you it’s been a while how’s it going well let’s not just stand out here come on in uh I’ll go get grace grace Adam hi how are you got it’s been a while yeah it has been a long time Cuckold Simulator download.

I’ve got to say you look really good you Oh well come in make yourself at home so Adam I’m hoping you can help me Adam what’s going on are you thinking of leaving you come on back in you can’t leave so soon gone you alright Adam that’s it you’ve got to leave there’s only so much you can expect to put up with you know you’ll be fine you just have to go well I’m so happy you can make it no no here we are will oh well you gotta take a look at this amazing photo from well what are you doing are you leaving look just come back in don’t don’t make us think you’re gonna leave okay well I think this evening is over you’ve got to leave well come on you’ve got to go we can put up with a lot but we have our limits you know we’ll be fine just go you’ll be fine you’ll be fine Cuckold Simulator fitgirl repack.

That’s it there’s only so much you can expect you’ll be fine go I think this evening is over you’ll be fine just go all right you’ll be fine just go you’ll be fine okay I think this ending is over you gotta leave you’ll be fine you go this Ben I’m so happy you could make it we haven’t seen you in so long how’s it yeah wow it’s really really great to see you come on in uh let me go get grace grace Cuckold Simulator igg games. I am so happy to see you after so long yet and I have to say you look great well come on in make yourself um Oh Ben take a look at this book oh no no no are our friends here we can let the answering machine oh you know our wedding picture is the first thing everyone notices when they enter the room well Cuckold Simulator ocean of games.

How could they miss it well yeah you know I don’t think it really goes with this room anymore hey failures really crazy what’s the message Travis are you there what’s your place I haven’t heard from you and grace yeah if there’s one thing grace is really a thing that I like to traveling I know you’re trapped what anyone guidance okay that’s all you know I don’t think you’re a little advice ball looks so good on the bar it’s like a funny bar toy it’s lame it’s a crappy piece of plastic sitting next to your fancy crystal oh okay anyhow trips parents they’re sweet naeli down their ignorance they don’t know black tie only from black bean chili yeah I’m hoping you can help me understand where I went wrong with my new decorating Oh grace let’s not do that oh um well I want to ask you you know when I look at this wedding picture hanging here in this room yeah everyone notices it what well wait a minute I don’t think you’ve taken a close look yet let it soak in a little see I told you he would like it there’s nothing wrong with it.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Once Upon a Coma Download PC Game

Once Upon a Coma Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Once Upon a Coma Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Once Upon a Coma Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Once Upon a Coma Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Once Upon a Coma igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Once Upon a Coma for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Once Upon a Coma on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Once Upon a Coma

Now to download and Install Once Upon a Coma for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Once Upon a Coma on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Once Upon a Coma Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Once Upon a Coma Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Once Upon a Coma download .Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is Once Upon a Coma igg games free and welcome to a demo of a game called “Once Upon a Coma ocean of games“! This is a game being made by the same guy, if you remember the game. “Pinstripe” that I played, the game that I was in, I did a voice for that game. And I streamed it and did the whole game in one sitting and loved it It was an amazing game, and I got to work with a very nice man called Thomas Brush on the game And this is his new project that he’s making It’s it’s a brand new game that he’s coming up with and I’m apparently in this one as well apparently I have a character. But we’ll get to that in a second. But this is a new game that he’s trying to kick start and get crowdfunded as well. And he’s just such a nice genuine dude, and I want to just I wish nothing but the best for him. So I want to play his games, and I want him to do well. And I want him to succeed so this is his new thing Again, this is just a demo for it the full game will be out whenever it’s out! I don’t know the release date for it yet, but I’m excited to play it it looks really cool.

The artstyle as always, the stuff he makes the Once Upon a Coma pc download is always super nice and the music is always super nice. Yeah! Hey there I am! God I’m super cute! I mean this freaking house is terrifying, so I don’t know much about the game like the story and that kind of stuff. But it’s it’s very very intriguing. It’s definitely reminiscent of the Once Upon a Coma torrent that he had for Pinstripe I like my little walk cycle.. Hello I don’t know what that did okay? It’s very cozy. Why am I like the size of the flames in the fire? This place is gigantic! [baby crying] Do not like that sound Z ah z is to jump. Oh okay that makes a lot of sense I was Wondern’ why I couldn’t jump before ring-ring on the telephone hello Hello? Time to wake up sleepyhead… Okay. I have no idea what I’m doing.. This is a lot creepier than I expected me.

Oh god. What’s behind the curtains? so am I in a coma then? and this is all happening oh okay, so there’s a sequence to it? Maybe or maybe they just don’t open let me let me explore around a bit first, and we figure out what’s actually going on It’s so weird to see a version of yourself in video games, it’s awesome Perfect Pete bashed his skull and bled upon his baby doll Why would you cross stitch this? Oh yeah coma Once Upon a Coma fitgirl repack? okay time is going backwards Not sure how I feel at all god, there’s a ghost at the window Okay stuff is starting to get weird Is that good okay, that one’s good oh god fucking weird stop go away Believe That’s written in blood Once Upon a Coma repack this one was good, right? So D E I did A last time D E B A Oh God Oh god oh Jesus Okay, I did not know the game is gonna have spooks and shit in it ehh It’s weird creeping me out with the baby crying in the background Wait is this the same yeah now can I go down? Once Upon a Coma fitgirl repacks Oh I can’t move I’m just gonna assume that that’s good that that’s very good. Let’s play some piano Wow I actually can Okay, I’m guessing I need to figure out some sort of password mechanism thingy. Oh! I didn’t think I would go further there for a second A mirror you look super Once Upon a Coma free I mean I wasn’t gonna say it game, but it’s right there proof is right there It’s in text its legitimized in a video game now that means it has to be true Look at that beautiful green hair.

I don’t have it anymore, but Inside I’m still the green boy. Okay inside and still the green bean. This is just a cover up You do really do look stunning Congrats Oh Thomas Wait no gah oh, yeah Whoa okay, um this kind of reminds me of the ending to pinstripe actually there was a bed inside the house Reddington Park, oh, it’s beautiful out here Let’s just say out here forever and never go inside ever again. Ah this is delightful inside was horrifying dude whole town to explore Well, maybe these are all locked Oh. Oh hi other person locked Locked as they probably should be you shouldn’t really be able to just walk into people’s houses never mind Occam’s Barberi I Get it Occam’s razor Occam’s Barberie. That’s clever BAC Is that the the key to the piano Missus is written on the mirror read BAC Heat don’t forget about our favorite place Lily Seems important, okay, I’ll go back and try your BAC eventually So if I am in a coma then are these all just like memories of places that I’ve been to or that I know This music is lovely also, I like your drawing of shit The only time that you can actually say hey, you’re drawing shit, and then be like thank you. Yes, it is Haha, I can’t believe it’s actually you Pete What you think about my painting? It’s a portrait of you Nice! You really got my whole aesthetic down Look at that beautiful color one day. I’m gonna be a world-famous animator with 471 thousand Twitter followers Hugh watch nice But hey welcome back Pete.

We honestly didn’t think you’d make it out of your coma What coma? It’s been a while since you were awake Pete you really don’t remember what happened no well I’m glad you’re back. I do wonder though if you’ve still got it in you Got what in me the chicken from earlier. Yeah, I ate for breakfast Once Upon a Coma download man You’ve really forgotten everything haven’t you we used to call you the slice? the slice you had the coolest razor from your dad’s barbershop and That thing was sharp your sister thought you were so cool Where is she? She tried to be all macho and go find grownups ever since they went missing she acted like it was a huge deal Isn’t it? Not in my book. You know what they say Everything bad has you know as a good Regardless, you won’t be able to find her Of course I can huh don’t count your chickens before they egg Pete. It’s dangerous out there Okay But boy it was a little weird But then again think I’m still in my coma Hey Long time no see Pete, it’s me John. Hi John. What do you think about my hair? I’ve been growing it out Looks kind of like a girl’s no it looks great. I Think it’s fab. How’d it be a girl this school year? I think good for you Anyways, I bet the gang will be super glad you woke up. It’s been weird since you fell asleep Yeah, yeah, it’s spooky without the grown-ups here Well you went looking for them, and then Ralphie barricaded the entrance to Reddington feel behind me Lily You know Lily your sister.

She said something needed to be done About it’s kind of weird ever since the grown-ups disappear things have been odd Well, whatever as long as I can eat ice cream and bacon for dinner every night I could give two birds where the grown ups are You hang in there John Okay, this as far as I can go You go John you go be a school girl this year Okay, we need to type BAC into the piano Wait is this the house I was in no hmm. I can break the pots I Had no idea oh I could bring all sorts of stuff, okay, maybe this will open if I get that Was he talking about I had a razor Either way it’s not like a little boy Okay that worked! Whoo Occam’s razor! Clever “A straight edge razor with an intricate black wood handle and..” “a sharp heavy blade it aches for a painfully close shave..” press X to slash oh! Yeah You better watch out you better not cry cuz you’ll be dead can we mess some stuff up with this We go back and kill that kid. Oh, yeah, I do know we can mess everything up oh Boy where do I go? We’re gonna keep stopping everything maybe have to go back to that kid Yes the locked Hey look .

I got my razor again even though it’s basically a sword It’s delightful so crass getting in your way Okay dad did nothing Maybe you can go back and cook John’s hair Maybe I should just try and go into the the barber place That wasn’t any of these maybe I can actually do something in the first place now with it or not Huh ah I can’t destroy the boxes that makes a lot of sense Silly me Reddington field BuChE BuChE BuChE BuChE, they all need to be destroyed Oh, Sam! Jack! it’s me Sam. You woke up! Hey. What’s up? Rock through this cage, that’s what’s up. I have no idea what voice to give Sam after all these years of Sam being a mascot and the channel they still don’t know What they’d actually sound like you sound upset? Your little sister went to look for grownups. I told her not to but she ranted the Chilean would really Yes, and dude the grown-ups.

They’re all gone all of them. They just started vanishing Yikes, so listen Jack your sisters been gone for a couple of weeks, and it can’t be good You might want to prepare for the worst? Shut up, Sam. Let’s go find her okay quick. Can you out his cage? Let’s head to the Chilean wood? Get a little claustrophobic in here man, would you mind sorry? Oh wait? It’s cool This is exactly what I want my video game speed sound Cute! Hello oh, yeah Do you see me? Yes, it’s none of your business to look at me the mighty ninja come by Oh What? You don’t know how amazing my swinging powers are How do you swing like that? we’re Once Upon a Coma download PC game, but that’s neither here nor there I Swing sweetens swing all day and hide from the spiders. You know Sure, Tony glad you understand most people don’t understand Hey, Raven dawn some repeat. Oh you know coma It’s a hip newer thing these days all the kids are doing it. You’re funny We all know you were just sleeping in doofus pupas, man. I’m funny wanna be funny friends sure I Used to love swinging around on trees.

I’m talking weird some talk weird great I’ll be here being funny and powerful you should go now. Okay, you funny friend watch out for the spiders They started getting worse than all the grown-ups designing disappear Okay on my trips. I will be a well aware for spiders and worm buttholes I Know what’s wrong? The fuck a Puke-face get over here, and help me how did this happen isn’t it obvious puke? no, I hypo influenza Tori disorder I inflate randomly Oh Most people just say you’re fat. Oh, No – eating ice cream cheese tacos all summer and my mom wasn’t here to give me my insulin so I Inflated it’s a disorder, but you wouldn’t know would you? sleeping all summer like a lazy butt Did you hear that that ice Ward? Ice Ward take it my razor. What can I do get me my insulin are you deaf puke fart? where Those milk turns the spiders snatched it right out from my pocket and ran up a tree Amani oh It’s daddy Is 36 bang Watch out for Danny, that’s me dead oh, yeah fuck Are you acting insane? the moon caused 9/11 and I’m freaking out I Kept any sex pangs voice, so I’m gonna just stick with this one really that one here the real reason. I’m dancing sure Parents are gone, and that’s cause for celebration Now it started would be funny if like we all lost a family member, but I didn’t think we’d lose our parents.

That’s super, huh You’re insane Your mom’s insane Nice one no really she was acting completely insane before she crawled off into Broadwick Hollow Where but a big Hollow dude don’t be stupid you can’t get there cuz spiders, okay? Thanks for letting me know I’ll be back Danny. Don’t you worry? 3d are spiders.

Oh and they’re gross It’s okay it’s okay, I’m super powerful This is an ass It looks like a butt, I’m just gonna say it is a boat cuz I want it to be a boy die spiders Nice ow ow Hey, whoa, there’s an insulin in the free Pete check it out in the tree that the insulin grab it bird Yes, Oh Sam’s my little helper This is adorable Come along tiny Sam time for us to fix a small child Well Actually big child well we’re gonna make him smaller cause he’s not gonna be inflated anymore That’s it Danny keep on dancing My insulin give me my insulin mcbuttface Here pop me it hurts so bad, but you have to pop me three two one go go go That was part of him?? What was me oh shit I didn’t know if I was supposed to fall in oh I was okay Thank you for playing surviving in the indie game industry is tough, and your support means more than anything. Aww Thomas That was good.

I like that I Didn’t know what to expect, but that was really well put together. I’m excited to play the full game As I said though this is just a demo clearly and he is trying to get the game kick-started now or funded or whatever yeah, Kickstarter so I leave a link in the description for you guys to be able to go and help out and try and kick start the game as Well, but I just I really like this dude I really like the games that he makes and I hope that he gets to continue making The stuff that he loves because what he puts together on his own is actually really really impressive And he’s got a very distinctive art style. I like it a lot so If you want to go play, I think the demo is available for other people to play I’m not sure if this particular version of me as a character is available available to play, but I’ll leave any information That’s necessary in the description down below, but I’m very very excited to play the full version of this I don’t know if I’m a character in the full version or anything like there if it’s just for Demo purposes for the sake of being able to make a video about it no idea I’m just flattered that the dude likes me enough to be able to put me in his games in any way shape or form So it’s very very flattering.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Download

Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition

Now to download and Install Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Game Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Hidden-object guru here back with more Christmas wonderland – the game about Christmas wonderland there’s my beloved Santa we are now in a sports store looking for gifts for the little boy character as I understand it alright I need ice skates which are back there it says ice hockey stick, which I think you could just call that a hockey stick and then you can call the other one a field hockey stick because I think people know which one is ice hockey since it’s the original and most Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition download important one that’s right I said it I might even be wrong about that I was gonna say field hockey might have come first but that’s not accurate it’s lacrosse that came first okay firetruck okay okay we’ve got a kayak you got a snowflake ice hockey stick camera and is the firetruck baseball again oh this one was signed nice ice axe just like in some sort of Tomb Raider .So I’ve decided to and I know this is gonna be a crazy thing I’ve decided to give up on Star Wars in that I’m not gonna watch any Star Wars movies at least in theaters you know I’m on I’m gonna rush out to see any Star Wars movies that haven’t been announced yet and so that gives me a buffer I get to watch the ninth one it has been announced I need to watch that movie about Han Solo because again that’s been announced but doesn’t count as a boat huh whatever but any future Star Wars movies I’m just gonna be like meh.

You may ask why and it’s that I found the new one that’s what that would be a last Jedi really kind of flat and dispiriting full of awkward comedy and is that an ice Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition ocean of games no thought I might have been four it was full of awkward comedy storylines, that didn’t really go anywhere people who are idiots for no particular reason how to add a bunch of nice scenes and then a terrible message right at the end so that’s a bear ATV bear ATV shoes let Christmas Wonderland 10 Collectors Edition fitgirl repack sled oh there’s the ATV very TV shoes sled bear ATV shoes sled they are ATV shoes sled that went great I may be too tired to find hidden objects but I sure can match cards play the game of memory although that’s easier when there’s only like okay I’ll only like what 20 items on screen or something guitar popcorn a sneaker hey Santa hey candy cane we haven’t gotten there yeah oh there’s a wise man okay I was just gonna say we haven’t gotten a piece for the finished product in a while the Nativity we’re building jigsaw piece that’s right there Fox toothbrush guitar a popcorn nice speaker, don’t need the bowling sign that would have been good target nice tie you need a baseball bat no Fox toothbrush how can it be to find a fox seems like they would not blend in I naively thought there might have been one on the totem pole there wasn’t Fox.

Toothbrush ah there it is it’s a deli central guitar popcorn speaker not a speaker okay there’s a stereo not a stereo a good tongue keyboard there’s a keyboard cell phone tie arcade machine oh I thought that was an ATM I haven’t seen it I haven’t seen an arcade machine in real life in so long when I glanced at that I’m like oh well obviously that’s an ATM right the only console the people look at popcorn sneaker not speaker oh my god pay attention ho girl these aren’t similar words at all and it sneakers so you got that wrong too that wasn’t all on me is my point there’s the popcorn and the Fox is where oh my god it was a furry or a mascot if you prefer get it prefer anyway those embarrassing all right let’s do this I bet you will won’t you sorry was this not a game about Santa I feel like at some point in the past this was a game about Santa and I don’t know why that stopped key tambourine firework.

Now it’s a game about I don’t know kids shopping in a mall and they will get to Santa working in that mall again at some point but it really has stopped being about what it is about in a way that the previous game the series did not at all yeah and forgotten we found all the sheep if I ever knew 13:31 people 13:31 Pizza muffin cow oh hey we got the cow or getting the cat there we go hey there’s a fox did you see the one calf I think we did know we didn’t stop teasing me like that game salt shaker to the one and two key tambourine firework as the muffin key tambourine firework key.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

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Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

In an unknown land there was a chapel and inside that chapel a priest this priest was an expert in dealing with Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets download very adept at curing the disease and finding ways to avoid it in the first place he would train many acolytes to haunt vampires and kill them and because of that this priest was famous one day a man came into his chapel seeking counsel for this man wanted to become a vampire hunter the priest answered as many questions as he could especially about vampires that layered. In Skyrim he told the vampire hunter about the bulkier vampires about how powerful they were the strongest actually in raw physical might the vampire hunter wasn’t scared however since he had been a trainer for the fighters guild, and so he left to hunt the Vulcan are vampires from his Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets igg games.

Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets ocean of games , a secret not known to anyone not even the priests she learned that the volca or vampires had the unique ability to move through the eyes without breaking it as if the eyes wasn’t even there when the vampire hunter moved across an iceberg in the north of Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets torrent arm raised from the ice floor without making a sound and grabbed him on the leg the hunter however succeeded in his hunt and slayed the vampire he came back to the priest to retell his tale of victory and so they discussed the hunter had a new target the vampires of Valen would.So the priests told him all he knew about the vampires in that region the priest told the hunter that there are indeed many different kinds of vampires in Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets fitgirl repack wood and each type has a very peculiar power the bongsam of vampires were identical to normal people in fact there was literally no way of telling them apart except by using the light from a waxed candle.

The yankov vampires who swallow men whole like a snake living no residue behind the most feared however were the TEL Bothell vampires who would specifically prey on children a lot of them being like Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets pc download, child vampires who enjoyed torturing people they would kill a child in a family and then use illusion magic to take on the place of the child in the family just to emotionally destroy the parents by being overly sadistic.Just when they had squashed every ounce of trauma would they finally finish the job and kill the parents lastly the priest told the hunter about the kill with vampires who could turn into mist and escape any harm the vampire hunter filled with all of this information set out in an expedition to Vallon wood in order to hunt these vampires the hunter came back to the priest successfully having claimed the life of each of these vampires the hunters next target was zero dill and so the priest explained that the vampire sincere Adele were going to be by far the most difficult [Music] see the Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets repack.

That dominates zero dil has been so successful but they have actually removed every single rival clan away from the province pretty much claiming the heart of the Empire for themselves they are however not known for their physical might but instead for their secrecy no one actually knows what name their clan has and only refer to it as the how to download Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets of order their motto is actually quite simple yet extremely powerful reveal yourselves to none and manipulate the hand of society to mete out our agendas and that’s really all they do but they do it really freaking well in fact it is believed that this order has members on the highest councils of the imperial government and that is indeed.

Their main focus of success they try and obtain as much influence as possible political or otherwise and then use this influence to improve the order in whatever ways they can the reason they are so good at manipulating society is because these vampires have made a pact with clavicus vile through this pact the vampires have obtained special unique abilities that allow them to live Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets ocean of games, mankind and twist their mind to the vampires well knowing all of this the now legendary vampire hunter set out to see Rodale in order to hunt them down however he failed miserably he couldn’t find a single vampire from this order and came back to the priest empty-handed I failed said the hunter as the priest approached lightning a small candle I couldn’t find a single one replied the hunter as the priest continued to approach the priest then with that responding lifted the candle close to his face revealing that the priest, was a bon sama vampire all along and surprised the legendary vampire hunter was finally killed this legendary vampire hunter is none other than mo vars between the leader of the move our coven and Skyrim.

Now twisted and contorted into a master vampire who seeks nothing else but to feed from the blood of the innocent as you guys can see there are at least a hundred different variations of vampires in the elder scrolls and every single vampire is special and unique in their own ways not just in the way that they like to kill and feed but every single variation of vampire possesses their own unique strain of Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets free which grants them special powers these special powers can shift from invisibility to mind-control to the ability to turn into mist to even shape-shifting powers there is however one thing that all of these clans have in common.That is they all owe their existence to one specific daedric lord Molag Bal if you want to learn more about this Daedric Lord then check out the secrets video that I made for him four years ago in any case it is agreed universally that Moloch ball was the creator for the vampiric race and the way he did this is actually quite interesting you see Molag Bal Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets free a Medic woman a very long time ago the rape was so brutal that there was no chance that she would survive the encounter.

However Moloch ball left a single drop of blood from his own and left it on her brow signaling a dark ritual to turn her into the very first vampire this medic woman was named LeMay bell fag now better known as the blood matron and the mother of all vampires she proceeded to kill and transform as many knitting’s of her tribe as she could this is important to know because the nedick’s were at the time a nomadic race so by transforming as many of them as she did she assured that the vampiric disease would flow all across the globe at the nomadic tribe would move from province to province this resulted in the reason why you can find this disease in every corner of the world every vampire that has a close lineage to lamay is considered a true vampire.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging