Tag Archives: Fit girl Repack

MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Fitgirl Repack DLC Download

MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0

Now to download and Install MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

In MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 free download PC game, right now because this whole game is not in MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 igg games but anyways here I am in person with a weird headset on my face I’m Dave station MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 ocean of games thanks for watching this is mega dimension Neptunia the VR and I’m not sure why they retitled it VR because the only mode is this VR visits thing and essentially I’m gonna sit on a couch and anime ladies are gonna come let’s get into it here we go alright this is my living room hey Luis.

Hello quite a living room I’ve got here I am they call me the player we haven’t actually met my name’s Noah the goddess of last station it’s a pleasure to meet you you too. I suppose hey LSB house a given I’ve been wanting to meet you so right now she’s standing in like a real sassy pose no you’re not bothering me, this is I wait no no you’re not you have to shake your head yes or no that’s the interaction you basically chill on the couch MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 ocean of games.

Oh no I’m not busy ,I’m not busy you show up and you’re immediately trying to reorganize my living room Jesus Christ I guess it’s okay it’s fine you can clean my living room but it looks fairly tidy to me wait what are you gonna clean up like this looks fairly good just because you’ll know. I’ll clean it up okay that’s a long way is that a wig see her one of her eyes was closed for a very long time I spend a lot of time hanging out at my friends houses I’m your friend I guess so oh yeah my manga seemed to be like cleanly organized on the on the shelf and my games are all stacked over there it’s really not messy at all though MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 fitgirl repack.

I don’t know what you’re you don’t have to convince me that you have a lot of friends. I’m sure you do I haven’t played the game but I’m sure you have a lot of friends I am the player Luis that’s my name I interact with other mentis all the time I let you up on Wikipedia toon pretty regularly but also I think it’s difficult to label these relationships so incited Li we’re all goddesses and we’re friends but we’re rivals – oh that’s an interesting relationship for sure all goddesses all rivals but friends do strike at the VR feline Haven this isn’t too far necessarily because it’s not like one of those it’s not even like summer lesson level of like, creepy immersion looking at people it’s really just like an anime lady talking I don’t know it’s like less creepy than it certainly could be but it’s not that exciting I don’t think it’s gone too far I just think that this is like an unnecessary mode for the MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 dlc download on this and it’s not gonna sell any games if you already like a mega dimension Neptunia the game then this is actually like.

I don’t know they they added new stuff to it they redid the graphics engine and everything so there’s a full 2-d game here if you buy this but the VR part is just sitting in the living room and you can get decorations for it and stuff I just actually turned this couch into a different colored couch.Because I played 15 minutes of the 2-d game but yeah you can visit whenever you want lady at spicy I don’t know I’m not sure who you are haven’t played an end of the game can be tricky I’m not sure what that means all right it’s time to commune with some other virtual reality anime, lady good have a good day I’ll see you later you’re gonna see my little face in the corner again at the school I can see how many people are watching now though the camera is not showing anymore that’s fine all right so that was more MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 fitgirl repacks the concept of this game is that each of these ladies represents like a gaming console or something there’s like a lady who represents like the Dreamcast and stuff.

I don’t know who I don’t really know the whole deal but um this is okay well hello you’re in my living room now you seem very small you seem like a child hello what you can we she’s seems very shy my name is blonde I’m the goddess of Louie nice to meet you hello bow a little bit you’re the player .I am the player I know all about everybody actually I don’t know about you you are a tall okay so you can look at them what oh and they say why are you staring at my face I don’t know there was nothing else to look at there’s no other interaction option I wasn’t really staring it’s kind of making eye contact, and like doing what the game told me to do I’m sorry yeah it’s clearly right over there yes that’s where I keep all my manga wait what did you think that was wait do you are you like confused about furniture like oh wait I was hoping that was a bookcase.

but I wasn’t really sure man I had to go check and make sure it was a bookcase because I love, but oh I love reading books yes give me it give me a head nod yeah I love reading books I mean it I’ve read all cats Steinbeck yeah books oh all kinds of books okay about what hobbies other people are into okay this is like this slightly like creepy dating sim part where you’re like oh she’s in my living room and she’s like I love hearing about your interest [Music] yeah some people are fair I feel like now I’m just having a conversation with this girl about novels well that’s true there’s be trades yes there’s be treats beginners beginners what do you mean that adults read those books no I’m gonna say no on this one no absolutely not shaking my head oh she seems upset no I understand the appeal of the light novel this is the problem with reducing everything to a simple.Yes-or-no MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 downlod dlc she was wrong about me I feel like I totally turned this lady off interesting she’s still talking definitely still talking journalist improved with every entry in her adventure diary was finally published it made the bestseller list rather quickly okay other writers who began with journals or light novels usually evolved.

Right now this is such a weird like non summer lesson like you’re not even close to the people there’s no touching they’re not getting in your face or anything it’s just like a little anime lady having a talk with you about novels it’s kind of crazy this is the most like a dating sim though she’s like we just met but I’m talking your ear off about the hubby get back in the portal I’m sorry yeah get back in the portal yeah it’s fine we’ll talk another time you did yeah yeah late novels are for suckers I’ll see you later very good at conversation and I hardly ever do this I’m gonna take a drink. I’ve been wanting to meet you I am the player after all I’m gonna start rambling again okay I’m Janice she’s come back and visit okay is that okay well thanks for listening today I did my best are you okay I’ll see you later I thought the portal was there for a reason gave me everyone’s were reeling wearing really short skirts in this that’s it I guess that’s a fairly a Japanese thing anyways we’re back looks like we got nine people watching thanks for watching, MMDGirlsVR DLC4.0 fitgirl repack nine folks.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

New Year’s Eve 2020 Fitgirl Repack

New Year’s Eve 2020 Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

New Year’s Eve 2020 Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install New Year’s Eve 2020 Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download New Year’s Eve 2020 Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download New Year’s Eve 2020 igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

New Year’s Eve 2020 for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download New Year’s Eve 2020 on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install New Year’s Eve 2020

Now to download and Install New Year’s Eve 2020 for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download New Year’s Eve 2020 on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING New Year’s Eve 2020 Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

New Year’s Eve 2020 Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

New Year’s Eve 2020 free download PC game is a vast universe, alive with the unrelenting activity and combined history of its players. Pursuing lives of adventure, warfare and prosperity, they share this existence in the biggest single-shard free-to-play MMO of all time. Set 21,000 years in the future, New Year’s Eve 2020 igg games takes place in a distant cluster of over 7,000-star systems known as New Eden. It is a rich and diverse universe, featuring densely-populated havens of relative safety governed by four great Empires, hostile systems where player alliances make the rules, even regions of anomalous and unexplored space that hold their own secrets. You play as a New Year’s Eve 2020 pc download, a revered breed of highly-trained pilot, having achieved immortality through the use of cloning technology. You navigate the universe encased in an armored capsule deep within your ship, where you have complete neural control and function as one.

There are hundreds of ships to fly in EVE. Everything from small nimble craft and versatile mid-range vessels, to formidable warships and colossal freighters. Each has advantages and suited roles, but all are completely customizable as you decide how to equip and arm them. What you do in New Eden is entirely up to you. EVE’s immense sandbox gives you the opportunity to choose between multiple professions and activities. The key to this unique customization of your New Year’s Eve 2020 ocean of games is skill training. This is a passive process, and it continues whether you are in or out of the game. As a new player, you can focus on one specific area in order to quickly reach the same level of specialization as a veteran. So be adventurous and explore new avenues of development for your character, as you can always change role and reinvent yourself if desired. If you want to fight, combat in New Year’s Eve 2020 fitgirl repacks can involve solo missions against non-player adversaries or small group skirmishes, while for some, it can even be the thrill of fleeting up with thousands of fellow pilots and battling over disputed territory. If you want to explore, then the discovery of uncharted space and ancient regions that promise riches, danger and adventure await you. You can also engage in the business of prosperity, be it industry, mining or even interstellar piracy.

The beauty of life in New Eden is that all of these activities, and many more, can be done alone or with others. A unique in-game market, unprecedented in scale and degree of player control, is the beating heart of New Eden. Players are responsible for the manufacture of almost everything you can buy or sell. The gathering and refinement of resources, the building of ships, equipment and even some space stations – EVE’s players are core to how the universe is filled and how the economy thrives. Players in EVE can band together to form corporations where they can enrich their experience, learn new elements of gameplay, and share their wealth and goals. When these player-run corporations grow to become larger entities, they can merge with other corps to form alliances. Powerful alliances regularly compete for control and influence over large areas of space, waging wars and engaging in record-breaking battles. Even taking down well-defended, sprawling player-built space stations. In the spirit of exploration and mystery, new content and experiences are constantly introduced into the universe, with over a decade of free expansions leading to continual development and evolution of gameplay.

While every action and decision has consequences for the universe and its hundreds of thousands of players, the game remains very much about your unique adventure and story. A story that will forever be woven into the fabric of New Year’s Eve 2020 torrent download.

That was all on New Year’s Eve 2020 fitgirl repack free download PC game.If you have any question then comment down below in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Door In The Woods Fitgirl Repack Download

Door In The Woods Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Door In The Woods Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Door In The Woods Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Everreach Door In The Woods Fit girl repacks is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Door In The Woods igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Door In The Woods for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Door In The Woods on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Door In The Woods

Now to download and Install Door In The Woods for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Door In The Woods on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Door In The Woods Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Door In The Woods Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Hello and welcome to Door In The Woods download, this is a horror roguelike being developed by Tita below to be able for free over on its Door In The Woods igg games. I thought we should take a look at this one it’s got a very interesting interesting ASCII style to it basically the idea here is we don’t know what’s going on there’s no help menu there is not much here so let’s figure it out on our own but basically we’re just sort of lost in this town and I guess the best thing I can compare it to be like Cataclysm talk days ahead without the crafting we’re just sort of lost in the woods where this guy very interesting style .I like it what’s the word parallax is that the word looking for here anyway we’re on a road here there is apparently a zombie up ahead I got health stamina sanity and some strength I can move I’m satiated. I have some clothes on my back and I have a book called Dora the woods .I don’t clip it I guess to use it as a weapon I can ride in it.

I guess I can throw it on the ground all the pages are torn out or otherwise unreadable.Yeah right throw it on the ground Door In The Woods ocean of games. let’s head this way and avoid the zombie as far as I then it’s just basically a survival game we’re just revived here lost in the woods I’m leaving the music right because it’s freaking me out and I think it should be it’s a big part of the game. There’s no sounds in the game there’s just just this doors locked, let’s mash it open create a bit of noise walk in this house and see we can find anything somebody is apparently making a lot of noise over there.So he’s making a lot on the ways over there we have a rag on the ground we’ll go ahead and pick that up we can make badges out of it we’re all going to make a bandage take it some time.

Here nothing’s coming in okay we got bandages.Now okay anything over this way what are you human filth I know let’s not step in that do you like uh let’s go back this way there’s a zombie on the other side so let’s go peek out this window here anybody yeah there’s a zombie right there so let’s go back out how we come in here we came in came in that way the left side let’s go this way I guess anybody anybody nope okay let’s um let’s cross the road a zombie went what is that is it a dog dog any lone dog dog I don’t have anything to deal with you, so I’m gonna go this way all right way from the dog let’s hope this is civilization this way so of course with lots of gear and things oh there’s a zombie right there in the bushes zombies in the bushes okay let’s let’s take the road where’s the town there’s not a map is there.Door In The Woods torrent download, I’ve pushed buttons the only thing I know of what we have is what a Google can smell me why let’s go this way we’re now hidden we can’t see anything though we’re hoping for a house we can go back up we know there’s a town to the north let’s try to lose this girl .

I think I can’t go diagonal so we have to craft you know craftily lose this ghoul how about this way you can apparently smell me let’s go this way and head down here yeah this is great now we’re in the woods lost all alone we’re just a simple Door In The Woods pc download on a walk to Grandma’s house we got human filth on our shoes towns up here let’s go visit town I’m sure something friendly in town not that way let’s go I think if through here let’s cut through here if we can like I’m stuck okay let’s go go that way let’s go back here okay let’s see we can do can I do we think with these with these bushes stamens running a little bit low it’s for my vision yeah can we rest space bar rests I can just hold it down and rest well hide out these bushes right here my stamina get back up try the old usual robot keys nothing does anything Door In The Woods skidrow and the numpad .I’m hungry oh yeah that’s right I gotta eat it’s getting dark okay so a very creative style of ASCII with us I like it I am a I’m typically a fan of Door In The Woods free games just because it kind of especially with music along with it this is still in development so it’s certainly not all there but yeah free over I said I oh this is the house we were at before isn’t it we just came back there’s that zombie leave me alone and there’s lots of blood on that wall over there we’re not going in that house but we gotta get some food before long there’s something there in that bloody house did he go in the bloody house mrs. AMI.

I look over here is that that’s corner wall I think it can bash walls but what is gonna go in this door here take a peek anything what are you I can’t look at things unless I get up to it I guess it’s like a pile of debris alcohol sure um I can make a Molotov a with what fire drink it to kill part of yourself particular you despise um I mean it seems like a time for it I’m no drunk okay okay seem to be responding to all my moves so it’s okay Hugh and Phil no we don’t want that I’m trying to cut back okay it’s dark I can’t see anything the music’s getting scary it’s going the garage here it’s gotta be some food in here it’s not making all the noise I cannot see anything there’s gonna be terrible things up ahead a sawed-off shotgun on my feet I’ll take that yes now now it’s Stormin.

Okay thank you lightning forgive me a little bit of site where we have here a matchstick that will take that it seems like I think I have I don’t want to ignite my my shotgun what are you alcohol drink the night away let’s go ahead and pick that up I suppose I put it no no no Door In The Woods repack that I do you want the shotgun in hand makes me look a little more menacing I believe this house is secure do it again I just freaking me out I don’t play a lot of horror games on the channel and there’s a reason for it okay um I’m gonna go find a room that has an exit which is gonna be this one over here I’m just a hold spacebar for a long time.

I’m gonna go by the door people and smell me let’s go over here by the door by that door just rest for a long time one o’clock in the morning we’re gonna wait until dawn before we go back out we’re hungry we’re very hungry Damon’s going down I gotta eat I’m supposed to eat all right we got to go out we got to risk it gonna be food around here somewhere is there berries out oh boy maybe there’s berries around somewhere I can’t see anything oh oh oh some sort of scary worm in there what is that I don’t go back and look I’ll call didn’t give me any stamina did it let’s drink I can’t what kind of drink what is that I’m so purple slime or something there’s something right there I wanted to what is it I don’t know looks like it’s getting a little bit brighter outside I don’t know why it’s 3:00 in the morning there is a what X a something, doesn’t seem to be moving a brick um yeah Equipe that that seems like something we want to throw it things it is certainly getting brighter I’m gonna void I don’t know that is it’s the blood of something kitchen knife well I think it’s even better let’s just pick that one up overuse that maybe I’m not sure which does better kitchen knife or a brick come on food I shuffle I don’t we need a shovel I’m start.

I know why you know you are let’s go this way it’s right over here there’s got to be berries around here somewhere somebody’s gotta have food what are you stale bread oh it’s a miracle eat that bread no we’re all better now okay health is not looking good can I use a bandage no I’m not bleeding so I can’t use a bandage can I drink no okay so we got nothing in our hands let’s go ahead and put the what’s better damage 100 brick does damage Door In The Woods fitgirl repack we’re gonna use the kitchen knife we’ll throw the brick if we need to I’m not feeling the greatest so maybe we can find some meds around here it would be nice in back in this room or back up here nope what about something yeah metal pipe which is damaged 75 put a shotgun shell inside and I hope it doesn’t explode in your face hmm okay go for an improvised shotgun weenie vent okay they cross the street here at fitgirl Door In The Woods. time for breakfast let’s go walk this way seems like a peaceful day I see I can see that the Door In The Woods fitgirl repack and the tree it’s very cool very creative yes wooden board no thanks wooden board can I do anything with you I can barricade doors reinforced things uh-huh well like so next time next time I decide to camp out for the night I’m gonna use my boards I don’t know if I have enough strength to carry all this stuff.

I do have a strength meter I don’t know how to tell if I’m overburden it on is something it’ll tell me there’s nothing on my head so I gotta find a hat some kinds seems like a peaceful apocalypse so far though guys no never mind there’s a zombie over there other than the scary purple worm thing and the blood on the walls instant soup I will take that pick that up don’t you water for that metal pipe no thanks anything else I can do no weapon I just have just used for sawed-off shotguns so he’s making a lot of noise over there matchstick yeah I’ll take another one I don’t equip it no you know Door In The Woods fitgirl repack and put the knife in my hands with the knife go get your knife okay so he’s making a lot of racket down there there’s a zombie over there let’s goes up north here yeah we found the zombies that was what is that a cannibal Oh mm-hmm cannibals are bad that’s what I did a bit of a test here I’m playing around with us for a little while and first game I died thanks to a cannibal he shot me cannibals have guns by the way let’s go check out the whatever this place is the warehouse is on me if there’s a zombie up there – lets go Cruz let’s just sneak can we sneak we could try killing a zombie we have a shotgun it’s no zombie over to our side.

Nothing to see here zombie can’t walk the trees he’s gonna continue on a so I’m gonna go cruising into this little building here you alright with that I’m gonna make a ruckus if it’s locking yeah let’s pass some time you just hit me coming back no nobody noise Oh a hat there we go is just like a church chemicals which we use help you if you feel something moving inside of you hmm I mean I guess we’ll take it you never know when you’re gonna have things inside of you human filth and uh thanks uh Dombey and looks like a dog okay zombie prepare to meet my sawed-off shotgun oh good we get him you don’t did he’s not dead okay so I’m not a model out of bolts zero of to I guess we get the knife back out equip the knife and dogs come in go behind the Pew I think this is a church I guess I don’t know what it is mr. zombie coming in the other side is there it’s gonna be okay,

That was all on Door In The Woods fitgirl repack free download PC game,if you have any question then comment down below in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

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Hentai Match Fantasy Stories Download PC Game

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Also Read:

How To download and Install Everreach Project Eden

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  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Everreach Project Eden Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.
 Hentai Match Fantasy Stories Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay
The last few years have not been kind to Hentai Match Fantasy Stories download, it wasn’t that long ago that they were really praised as one of the best developers in the industry and Todd hailed the mighty god Howard fast forward a few years and here we are players deceived refunds tonight helmets molding first it was the paid mods then the ungodly launcher fallout 76 and then everything else fans could not believe, what they were seeing Hentai Match Fantasy Stories igg games, this downward spiral was free entertainment for some a heartbreaking loss of $60 for others not only a loss of $60 and possibly $300 and some years of your life if you happen to purchase one of them only red power armor helmets but also the loss of one of the last decent game developers, it was a sad day but wait where Bethesda ever the Saints they’re often remembered us there’s no doubt that they made some good games over the years.
But the old Bethesda also had a big part in creating the Modern Life throw transaction market dab without with some harsh treatment of a licensed company indirectly causing 30 odd layoffs as a result and a few petty lawsuits over brand protection and you’ve got some pretty dodgy moves from Hentai Match Fantasy Stories pc download and the boys but before we get into those something i’m sure you’re all familiar with it’s no secret the game director told Howard has invested pretty heavily into his speech it allows us to have 16 times the detail demands lies our infamous the most famous example of Todd’s slide tun was probably at Hentai Match Fantasy Stories fitgirl repack last year really made some very interesting promises for the latest fallout as a matter of fact you’ll never even see a server when you play but these false promises were never exclusive to fallout 76 if you look hard enough you can trace Todd’s web of lies all the way back to oblivion when in 2005 he told everyone that oblivion MPCA.
I was radiant and unscripted let’s take a look at the other side of the game our new reading AI system these NPCs are not scripted may you rest in peace people were excited for the day that they could jump into the game and witness this space-age AI for themselves but unfortunately the NPC’s but not quite as intelligent as Todd had suggested the fact that they all alone melted cheese strings also didn’t help much one year after oblivion released Hentai Match Fantasy Stories free purchased the rights to the fallout i p and told announced that fallout 3 would have 200 different endings as of last week were over 200 endings that is not an exaggeration in reality that b 3 a few different ways to go about getting them and then lots of slight variation with the ending slideshow depending on your karma.
During the game after having just perfected AI Todd now looked to improve quests they would also become radiant meaning that they could be redeemed infinitely until the end of time once again this was technically correct but these quests ended up being what was essentially the exact same quests but in different areas of the map he also mentioned the local economy system that could be affected by the player damaging at Allen’s production lines if you actually Google this Ulta pool forum posts can be found written by a handful of people spending their first hours of Skyrim burning down a sawmill in an attempt to cripple the local economy it never worked also this never happened.Then during e3 2015 Todd made the bold claim that fallout 4 just worked all that this just works it works it actually works perfectly and he would of course go on to continue the trend at e3 last year for fallout 76 ,16 times the detail all new rendering lighting and landscape technology of course you can play this solo you’ll be who you you’ll never even see a server when you play some argue that Todd’s long list of lies over the years for features that were going to be in the game but couldn’t be finished in time for launch but whichever way you look at it for the last 14 years todd has had a very special way with words who knows what todd has planned for their next release back again to 2006.
Just released oblivion it was their best-selling game at the time selling almost two million copies in the first 20 days of release and things were looking pretty good it didn’t just sell well either oblivion was pretty much praised by critics across the port and believe it or not even praised for its graphics at the time a very foreign concept for any modern Bethesda title even though the NPC’s weren’t exactly what was promised they still worked occasionally but anyway the game sold well and people liked it but then everything changed just a month after launch they released something for $2 50 something so small something so trivial that they wouldn’t hear the end of it for years to come a few pieces of armor for your in-game horse the armor didn’t even protect the horse he just made it look a bit cooler making VLC like this.
The time wasn’t very common especially for a game as big as oblivion and people were not happy but Bethesda kept on releasing these twice a Hentai Match Fantasy Stories DLCs although the rest were more reasonable other developers took note of what Todd and the team had pulled off here and here we are today Hentai Match Fantasy Stories in the original Skyrim missed out on the Oblivion treatment but these microtransactions plates returned in the form of the creation Club for Hentai Match Fantasy Stories remastered one of the first items on sale was $3 horse armor also a fun fact about the creation Club when new mods were added and updates every mod was installed directly onto your hard drive regardless of whether you actually purchased it or not.
When you actually went to buy the mod you were just paying for a tiny ESP file that unlocked the mod files this bloated everyone’s hard drive with multiple gigabyte mod updates every month and with a little know-how you could create these ESP files yourself some more ingenuity from the development team at Bethesda one of the immediate thoughts anyone has after hearing the very word Bethesda is the onslaught of bugs thrown your way the moment the game boots just type in Bethesda bugs on YouTube and you’ll find hundreds of compilations of these small technical hiccups the most common bugs include dodgy AI corrupted game saves game crashes texture errors model errors physics errors clipping errors flying enemies sinking enemies and muscle man and that’s not even really scratching the surface sometimes it doesn’t just work you don’t say they also forgot to cut out some voiceover mistakes in Oblivion.
I heard that he used broke into the arcane university the Imperial Legion compound and the temple all on the same night wait a minute let me do that again I heard that thieves broke into the arcade but I’m the character swapping voices halfway through their dialogue I could be banished for telling you okay okay I’ll show you the games are buggy and Hentai Match Fantasy Stories was of course no different I’ve actually read multiple reddit posts claiming that the Thursday’s recent patches for the game are bringing in more bugs than the ones they’re fixing there’s also an audio bug that has been fixed multiple times at this point and some people are still saying it’s in the game bugs are a consistent feature of Bethesda games and many people in turn blame the engine the game is run on as of 2019 Bethesda’s game is run on an engine that scores now actually old enough to drink as pointed out by a chance in one of my comment sections I’ve looked into the whole game engine argument and the common consensus is that the age of an engine isn’t necessarily a problem providing you’ve got a team of software engineers who can efficiently update and optimize it I mean rockstars game engine for GTA 5 in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a heavily upgraded version of an engine.
That was all on Hentai Match Fantasy Stories download PC game if you have any kind of questions then comment down below in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

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Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

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OMON Girl Bottle Royal Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

I left for two seconds and now you’re reading my diary. I wanted to get to know you, yeah right if you wanted to get to know me you could have just asked me anything ah but what’s the fun in that I know your biggest secrets.Now wait but are you actually a maid Shh keep quiet there’s literally nobody here, I just don’t want anyone to overhear I don’t want anyone to know my secret you don’t want anyone to know that you’re OMON Girl Bottle Royal igg games maid no don’t worry I can keep your secret I’m really good with keeping secrets yeah please don’t tell anyone your secret is safe with me okay imagine.

If the whole school found out that you were made that would be really awful hey I’m just gonna head to bed I’m really tired okay good night good night Wow that alarm sure is loud sure is hey you want to go get some breakfast. I can’t sorry I have to work wait you work in the mornings yeah well all right then I’ll see you later good luck with your new maid job love you see OMON Girl Bottle Royal download all right.

I should get ray OMON Girl Bottle Royal ocean of games, you actually made it I bet your uniform ready right the uniform I’m ready all the students should be heading to breakfast right now so make sure to clean their apartments. Before they get back okay yes miss pretty awesome so you’re gonna get started with room number 200 200 got it this must be the one hello housekeeping [Music] she’s right there really are no students in their rooms in the morning so where do I start go come on like hurry up. I want to go get breakfast you guys are like way too slow also you’re like saying the kitchen on fire your girls know I don’t know how to cook you guys think OMON Girl Bottle Royal fitgirl repack is gonna be eating breakfast today oh you’re talking about him again.

I mean why wouldn’t she he’s like the cutest guy but he’s like not interested I’m thinking about confessing my love to him today that’s why I want to know if he’s gonna be in the cafeteria you’re so gonna get rejected nuts am too can we just stop talking about him for a day I know right fine let’s go eat breakfast already finally let’s like go do you girls think my outfit is cute enough to impress him it’s not gonna work oh you girls don’t know anything blah blah blah they’re gone that was close. OMON Girl Bottle Royal pc download I guess.

I better start cleaning the kitchen [Music] hopefully nobody ever finds out my secret this place is all cleaned up time for the next one housekeeping oh I am really trying my best to clean up all of these apartments before the students come backOMON Girl Bottle Royal repack download just a few more left oh it’s all ready for this to be over huh what a surprise you didn’t know you were the new maid I prefer to eat alone I can’t believe you came to see me.

Yeah right look if you’re gonna confess your love to me I’m not interested don’t forget to clean the bathroom I’m gonna try to finish this apartment really quick huh the entire place is cleaned I can leave now what are you still doing here I wanted to make sure you clean my whole place don’t you have somewhere to be huh well come see me again soon right OMON Girl Bottle Royal download.

That was all on OMON Girl Bottle Royal fitgirl repack free download PC game,If you have any questions then comment down below in the comment section.Do you like this game?If yes then comment down below in the comment section with yes.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging