Jamestown+ PC Download

Jamestown+ Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Jamestown+ Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Jamestown+ Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Jamestown+  Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Jamestown+ igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Jamestown+ for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Jamestown+  on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Jamestown+

Now to download and Install Jamestown+ for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Jamestown+  on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Jamestown+ Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Jamestown+  PC download Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Jamestown+ PC download is a vertical space shoot-’em-up for the British and Spanish forces fight over colonizing Mars it’s the story of an innocent man who has been wrongfully charged with unthinkable crimes this is a man willing to do anything to clear his name even if it means travelling to Mars to investigate the disappearance of the Roanoke colony I guess what I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t base your knowledge of American history on a video game Jamestown Plus throws water in the face of the insufferable critics who argued that 2d shooters are all the same.

Jamestown+ igg games is a wildly inventive action game where players befriend famous historical figures while simultaneously shooting down massive space aliens it never once takes itself too seriously and offers enough new components to keep the formula fresh you play Rowley will spend most of his time zipping around the screen dodging bullets and taking on giant boss characters he’s equipped with two different weapons a primary gun and a powerful secondary attack that can be changed between stages he also has a special vaunt move that will create a shield for a limited amount of time aside from that he’ll need to use his flying skills to get the job done the adventure takes place across seven increasingly difficult stages each anchored by a challenging bossfight .

Jamestown+ ocean of games package includes the five stages that made up the original PC game as well as two additional levels specifically created for this remastered release and best of all Jamestown finally has a home on game consoles the action looks a lot like classic shoot-’em-ups on the Neo Geo although a different kind of shooter many of the level and alien designs remind me of Metal Slug the pixel art is charming and the high-res visuals look really sharp on the Jamestown+ torrent, we can’t talk about the presentation without highlighting the incredible soundtrack with the pixel art and old-school shooter tropes I went in expecting a variation on classic chip tunes boy was I wrong.

The Jamestown+ fitgirl repack grabs your attention right off the bat with orchestral pieces the score is full of energy and excitement and often sounds like it belongs on a Hollywood blockbuster apart from the intriguing setting and inspired presentation there are a few things that help set Jamestown Plus apart from other recent action games for one thing the shooter supports four players at the same time which is a chaotic mess sadly.

Jamestown+ pc download only offers local multiplayer but players can bring friends along to the ride through remote share another interesting feature involves the shop which offers dozens of weapons and upgrades that can be used to customize your various ships players will pick up money by simply flying through each stage so these upgrades offer a compelling reason to replay the levels beyond the usual weapons and power-ups you’ll be able to buy extra challenges in a farce mode that changes the graphics and interest in ways Jamestown Plus is difficult but still accessible to those who don’t live and breathe bullet hell shooters the easiest difficulty is a pushover but players will be limited and how many stages they can choose as the story heats up the game will demand players start on a harder difficulty this can make the later stages difficult but they never felt unfair I also didn’t mind retrying failed stages multiple times since I was constantly earning money although riddled with inaccuracies Jamestown Plus is a lot more exciting than sitting through a history lecture the Jamestown+ pc gameplay is fast and responsive and the level designs are always interesting this is a delightful throwback with enough unique ideas to warrant a purchase on the PlayStation 4 just don’t expect to learn anything valuable about the first settlement in the Virginia Colony hey you watched a review you should feel good about that .

That was all on Jamestown+ PC download free game if you have any questions then comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Fitgirl Repack

Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Trans Siberian Railway Simulator igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Trans Siberian Railway Simulator for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Trans Siberian Railway Simulator on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Trans Siberian Railway Simulator

Now to download and Install Trans Siberian Railway Simulator for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Trans Siberian Railway Simulator on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Trans Siberian Railway Simulator Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Train station in Moscow train number 2 the famous Trans Siberian Railway Simulator free download PC game, is about to leave for Vladivostok I want a week journey across the world’s largest country it gives us a unique opportunity to discover Russia off the beaten pathTrans Siberian Railway Simulator igg games is a train like no other a legend it’s the longest rail line in the world almost 90 300 kilometers across euro and Siberia it is the pride of Russia for Angelica Peru beena it’s an honor almost a privilege to work on board this train now yesterday at Astoria yeah Patriota Road this train is a part of our history I’m a patriot and I’m really proud to work on this train.

The Train number one Vostok boys named Erasmus pet project of Tsar Alexander the third the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator ocean of games was completed in the early 20th century it was a daunting task but was key to establishing Moscow sovereignty over resource-rich Siberia it became the backbone of modern Russia for many world travelers the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator pc download is the stuff dreams are made of Nathalie and Dean smart have always had a thing for trains they just got married and this is how they are spending their honeymoon something what both always wanted to do it kind of just got bigger and bigger from there.

So we started to talk about it hasn’t it’s a made of travel we really enjoy that but equally it’s um you know there’s others it’s about going overland really she’s a Brit he’s an Aussie and together they’ve decided to travel from London to Sydney by train a 20,000 kilometer journey 14 countries in four months as the journey isn’t it that’s the exciting part the destinations are amazing but sometimes it’s the journey and that’s what the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator torrent download all about the trains, about the journey but for Angelica pada bina riding the train is no holiday she’s responsible for the passengers comfort and safety she leaves home for 15 days treacherous more than a job it’s a calling a way of life responsibly excuse me you get used to it you end up having two parallel lives one at home and one here on the train how about them the other is a genius at me I love my job I love to communicate with people it brings a lot of satisfaction in systems of it from dusk till down angela scrubs and cleans the carriage welcomes passengers provides blankets and pillows and most importantly make sure there’s always hot water for tea we have to keep the tradition to drink tea all road long tea is a liquid that connects people not only vodka Boris petrikov has also got a thing from trains.

He rides one whenever possible Russian trains aren’t known for being very fast but that he says is exactly what makes them so lovable I don’t like fast trains train is really perfect place to think about your life about your business things or about how your life is going time on the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator fitgirl repack appears frozen the Train crosses seven different time zones to kill time Dean and Natalie brought games and books they also write a blog to share their everyday life on the train comfort on board is a relative concept for instance there’s no shower here even in first-class carriage all travellers can count on is a tap like this one and in case you wonder there’s no hot water the Train makes a few dozen stops on the way each one is a good opportunity for travelers to stretch their legs and stock up on local food croissants father looks things that vegetables or something fun house with no dreaming so far it’s been fantastic scenery lots of fun.

You know different people coming in and out of the cabin and down in the dining cart all the locals getting involved as well so it’s just a brilliant opportunity to meet meet different people that you might know when you come across something meeting new people is an essential part of train travel it’s also the best way to kill time whether in first or second class coaches or in the tail-end wagon the third class called nuts cart an open space carriage many here enjoy and not just because it’s cheap I like to communicate with people and when I talk to people and my waist comes shorter so I enjoy speaking the dining car is also very popular always open this is the place where travelers meet eat and drink and the word Tom’s lTrans Siberian Railway Simulator skidrow runs the show here for the years she’s heard more than a few live stories more than a few secrets she needed this block of superb bikinis old people tell us things they can’t tell anyone else because they know they’ll never see us again let’s death replicas men complain about their wives mostly we end up knowing a lot about that Natalie and Dean’s journey through Russia is nearly over next step mongolia then china new countries new trains new challenges but for Tatiana and Angelica the journey doesn’t stop for them life onboard the trans-siberian Express is never-ending a life made of departures and arrivals of passengers who come and go all along this legendary railroad.

That was all on Trans Siberian Railway Simulator fitgirl repack free download PC game,If you have any questions related to this topic then comment down below in the comment section.Trans Siberian Railway Simulator igg games is free to play game so play this game and also do share your thoughts.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

VALHALL Fitgirl Repack Free Download

VALHALL Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

VALHALL Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install VALHALL Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download VALHALL Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download VALHALL igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

VALHALL for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download VALHALL on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install VALHALL

Now to download and Install VALHALL for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download VALHALL on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

 VALHALL Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Be Flossie what happened to VALHALL free download PC game, was the Viking battle yell game, oh so we thought initially I thought this was all the game was about but it seems to come to my attention that actually Val Hall it goes a lot deeper than just a battle royale it looks like the new game modes that have been announced which I’m gonna be going into later will expand the world of Val hall and what we can actually experience when it eventually comes out initially I did say if this was a VALHALL download game and granted.

Yes it does have this battle yeah I did a video quite some time ago explaining more about how you star and it’s pretty much like a lot of other battery house but set with the Vikings it has a lot of you know looking towards mythology areas and where you’re surviving and fighting for your life well some magnetic gravitational fields are coming at you from all sides and will rip up anything in their path but this is not really what this VALHALL ocean of games is about, it’s gonna get more into it with the extra things and the updates that we’ve heard about vile halls since that’s an initial look into the Viking VALHALL igg games.

So what can we see well in this trailer I just wanted to say this before we get it to the trailers look absolutely awesome the VALHALL torrent download that we’ve seen so far looks absolutely gorgeous the guys at black words I think what you are making is incredible not just visually but it looks like mechanically you’re trying some new cool things .I mean maybe this is just for the cinematic but this one shot for example a small thing like a javelin going through a shield as it gets hit that’s something that no game has really done before and seeing that from a first-person very cinematic perspective looked absolutely awesome can this hate you through a shield are there gonna be different levels of javelins or throwing axes that are powerful enough to break through shields that’s gonna be something that I’m looking forward.

This might be a hint towards something like that in the future but what about historical accuracy because that seems to be a very big talking point with a lot of these historic of games where they’re based in history but people are often you know complain if they’re not entirely historically accurate which you know I don’t think is that important if that’s not what they’re going for it looks like whilst it’s based on Viking history there King a lot more into the Norse mythology rather than just the history never fair though there’s still a lot based around history such as things like the backers didn’t want there to be horns on the VALHALL torrent download, which there was initially so they were taking off things like that so it’s probably going to be based a lot around history but some added a lot of mythology in there as well and a nice balance between the two I think would work really well but we’ll see more about this Norse mythology as you’ll work out a little bit later in the video with this awesome new game mode that has been announced.

A gameplay trailer has actually come out because of it let’s talk a little bit about the combat system this is an entirely new combat system that the trying though looking at VALHALL repack it looked pretty smooth of course you can’t really tell unless you’ve actually played it yourself to exactly how smooth it feels because it is more of a feel thing than a look thing but it looks like a lot of the attacks flow into each other I doubt it’s going to be quiet on the more tower level but I’d expect it’s going to be a lot better than things like mountain lake income deliverance and it’s probably going to be as far away from the kingdom come to limits mechanically as possible that sort of combat because this is more of a free combat think of things like more how amount of blade in terms of you don’t lock on to a target it is very free combat and it’s up to you in order whether you hit the enemy or whether you block them additionally there is a stamina system implemented into the combat making and adding in a few new tactics and things that you’re going to have to think about it’s not too dissimilar to the VALHALL fitgirl repack system where things like sprinting dodging things like that can lower your stamina which make your attacks a lot slower unlike more how we just get disarmed I quite like the way that they’re doing it where you just swing slower and when you do your attack some blocks lower.

This means that you have to really be watching your stamina when you go into the battle otherwise they’re gonna be able to get their attacks in a lot faster and you’re not necessarily gonna be able to block them in time because you’re too fatigued from whatever you were doing, before I really don’t want to know what that was but what about VALHALL skidrow well they’re both in there now this can be a point that a lot of people may not like third-person these types of games doesn’t necessarily work especially in multiplayer games because of a lot of well-founded complaints from other games I’ve had third-person things like Pope G where you’re just able to look over Wars.

It’s not really right a whole multiplayer setting especially when it gets the competitive level but I’m assuming there’s going to be first-person and third-person servers that can be I the first answered and whatsoever or just the first or just third-person server that can be distinguished between them that you’ll be able to choose which one you want to join but additionally even if you do play it on a third-person server there’s gonna be no exploiting this third-person mechanic which what the developers have been looking into quite in-depth from a lot of feedback form the backers themselves I mean it’s always that thing where you get sniped from the back of a hill because they’ve seen you way before you could ever see them because you possibly couldn’t see them.


The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Fitgirl Repack

GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download GemCraft Frostborn Wrath igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

GemCraft Frostborn Wrath for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download GemCraft Frostborn Wrath on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install GemCraft Frostborn Wrath

Now to download and Install GemCraft Frostborn Wrath for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download GemCraft Frostborn Wrath on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

In this section of the article I will give you a honest review on this awesome game.Also at the end of this tutorial I will give you walkthrough and gameplay of GemCraft Frostborn Wrath.

I love to this game as a kid I might have played it more than loose our defense at least before balloons TD5 came out this is better than any of the first four blooms cheap tower defenses by far and the concept of the game is this your life is the same thing as your money. Here that’s the big concept the life and money are combined into GemCraft Frostborn Wrath free download PC game, so if you if a monster bucks rebates you don’t lose them like life you lose money and if you run out of money you die.

Now the extra catch is if the monster runs through your base and and you don’t kill it it responds at the beginning so it can continue taking your money over and over and over again all right so here we go here’s the thing hopefully my GemCraft Frostborn Wrath ocean of games, isn’t blocking much that hopefully isn’t injuries like a horror game I’m scared it kind of doesn’t seem like what it’s it’s not that scary of a game click the button that’s like the gem type of your first gem click the inventory row to create your gem drag your gem to the tower to insert the gem.

We have all these towers with the gem so you click on the arrows start the battle the gems are what are your towers each colored gem has a different property Green is poison I believe so it does some damage on first it then I’ll do some damage overtime or is the GemCraft Frostborn Wrath torrent download, gem when its attacks it gives you extra mana when it hits purple I guess it’s at the armor reducing guy he takes the armor off these little cretin so these cretins down below or what run through tiny tiny spooky little dudes and basically what we can do we can I like the mantle aging gem so we can actually create different grades of gems these circular shapes are the basic ones you cram down here the triangles are way better than the circle.

So you create it like here and we saw for a brief second there was a third row which you get a blue which I believe this is a square now if I remember correctly you can actually combine gems I’m trying to figure out ah that’s not right there’s a button for it let’s see where’s the GemCraft Frostborn Wrath repack you press G .You hold it and you combine the gems like this to level up your gems which allows you place extra space nice towers you can’t I guess you can actually build the towers but generally you want but the towers you currently have so you think we can even find to level two gems uh no we can’t maybe not.

Oh maybe I don’t hold it down hi there we go there we go we made a grade three gym it’s a pure orange grade three gem I’m referring I figure out the controls it’s been a while and if we want we can actually speed this up a bit but we won already this is the this is a territorial level and there’s a bit of a story so we are gonna do the story don’t think I’m skipping out on that here’s a map so we beat this and knows how there’s the three different circles I think that those represents harder game modes basically when we can go back to create past the game modes on a harder difficult or the maps and harder difficulties to get more GemCraft Frostborn Wrath PC download and different stuff or we could just move on I’m gonna move on so on different levels you actually get different types of gems here we have two different colored gems that we haven’t even seen before we can build the tower with T and you shift ,so I guess we don’t road many towers here it looks like this spawn here so we want to have our tower at the choke point we have a tower here but here we have a chain hit gem each shot can ricochet into multiple targets I like that.

Let’s ricochette let’s take that drag it on over and we also have our slowing gem so it’s like the ice tower of GemCraft Frostborn Wrath fitgirl repacks others also waves on the side here underneath my face I can’t so if I click the one that’s right coming up I can actually send both waves at the same time and get extra mana for that oh I all three eyes out of three have whoops that hopefully doesn’t me so I’m gonna make another great one gem and I’m getting combined these just.

So oh I can’t don’t have the mana for it you have to spend mana to come on gems it’s not free nothing is free in this game to mine this right here so you have more space and don’t have to buy more towers it’s always better to combine gems instead of making new towers and new gem just way more efficient this way GemCraft Frostborn Wrath ova games they cost the tower scales like crazy the more towers you get the more expensive they get and they become disgustingly expensive eventually and here we are last way we should be able to run through this really GemCraft Frostborn Wrath skidrow easy the game is kind of dark a little bit can you guys see okay if now I can turn up the gamma but it looks a very visible good good good so we got call the wave early leave delivered someone hit kill no story here there’s also an endurance mode which is super fun we’re not gonna we’re not gonna do that yet but it’s basically an endless mode where you farm XP and go as far as possible and then we get jeez there’s more to introduce skills up here that’s right so this is what the XP.

That was all on GemCraft Frostborn Wrath fitgirl repack free download PC game,If you have any questions related to GemCraft Frostborn Wrath Igg games,then comment down below in the comment section.Also if this article helped you in any way then share it with your friends.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

My Little Blacksmith Shop Fitgirl Repack

My Little Blacksmith Shop Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

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How To download and Install My Little Blacksmith Shop

Now to download and Install My Little Blacksmith Shop for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

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TROUBLESHOOTING My Little Blacksmith Shop Download

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My Little Blacksmith Shop Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Welcome back to my My Little Blacksmith Shop free download PC game.Now last episode we had just restarted on the latest build of the game which is the development build ,it’s gonna allow us to really enjoy the game a little bit more because we get some extra bonuses and of course if anything bad happens we can kind of rectify it by using this nice little bar at the bottom there were quite a bit of changes we can organize our shop however we want there’s some UI changes some new items and such like these things the rare angelic guard which is gonna be the focus of My Little Blacksmith Shop download, we’re gonna build some of these majestic weapons and see what will happen what we can do with them if anything does happen.

But we’re gonna find out also we got the flintlock. Oh who took it my flintlock is gone I guess it just doesn’t save cuz it’s not really my item well I no longer have the flintlock My Little Blacksmith Shop igg games.Let’s turn on the light here but anyway that’s today’s episode you guys are still enjoying my little blacksmith shop let me know in the comment section below and if you want to play the game in its current latest state and get access to updates whenever they come out check out the My Little Blacksmith Shop ocean of games, page for a measly $5 you can get access to this current bill that I’m playing as well as any future build that’ll be down in the description below.

I believe a card in the top right corner if you want if I don’t forget of course and check it all out so let’s begin what I’m gonna do first apparently I need to sleep I don’t think I need to though I think that’s a bug my dude is getting super tired I think where we left off I was making a bunny I was making all this shield stuff which is nice oh and a big thanks to My Little Blacksmith Shop repack on discord for letting me know about the code disable all screen messages that allowed me to get rid of the blue debug text that would pop up in the top left corner that’s all gone now the screen is just beautiful blacksmith goodness anyway.

So I’m going to go back to our good friend Jeffrey was a Gregory it might have been Greg I think it’s Jeff yeah Jeffrey’s part shops anyway so I’m gonna get some more stuff from this guy did I not pick this up what are you oh oh crap but this guy is selling all kinds of stuff and it seems like it just refreshes every single time I enter the shop or I leave and then enter the shop so I’m going to keep going in to gather much-needed supplies of dragon and angel utilities so I can make some cool weapons now the blades aren’t gonna be the best part but the best part is that they’re Angelica the blades gonna be like copper or tin anyway let’s see what our friend Jeffrey’s got for us hello good sir.

Wow yeah I know I need this stuff uh here’s another yeah I could make a My Little Blacksmith Shop fitgirl repack oh okay I was gonna say the flintlock is gone but nope it has My Little Blacksmith Shop highly compressed back there you’re welcome so I’ll buy these set it out here and come back in I need a freaking horse why can’t I have the horse wow this is a stockpile what else do we got man come on give me something good aha always falls to the ground though I’m very much angel like right angels flying oh you know what I should have done I’m gonna do that I’m gonna go get a box and bring it over here so that way I can fill them up with the little guards and the grips and then close it off.

I’m pretty sure I can make the pole arms fit too this is how you actually do shopping which is kind of nice it’s a nice touch because it’s like if you own like a mom-and-pop restaurant right you would you would go to the local markets like fishermen and farmers and get your raw ingredients there I mean ideally that’s what you would do oh there we go two-hand angel grip one hand angel grip all right where do you get your stuff my good sir hey dragon grip okay I think that’s it for now so oh that’s open so I’ll just put that in Xia break this open put My Little Blacksmith Shop pc download.

So oh my goodness put all of this in here could you give me like a goody bag to put this stuff in like why does it have to be so complicated huh there we go everything but the pole arms are in here and now if I could just put the pole arms by the time I’m done with all this I probably could have brought it all in like by hand okay there we go whoa whoa this is seriously stuck if I open this and these things fly out okay lift it up slowly close lid and it stops for some reason why do you get stuck oh no what the hell is happening why is it come on I think I have permanently attached the pole arm to this box wow what a freaking success huh what a freak oh wait hey I got it okay I’m just going with this dude I lost the two pole arms now one is lost to the world the other one is stuck to this My Little Blacksmith Shop free so how beautiful is that I wonder if I I attach this to a weapon like make a weapon out of it what will it do open the freaking lid okay I think that’s good enough let’s sleep is it morning it kind of is it’s refer we’re feeling refreshed we’re feeling refreshed and beautiful .

Okay let’s open up shop dude I welcome I welcome thee to the vacuum and spa where I now sell some angelic weaponry awesome though I’m just gonna take this and then I’m gonna take one-handed angel grip I’m just gonna attach these two but okay copper great hammer no that’s not at all what God dang it great hammer though is too so a rare two-handed angel grip with a 10 great hammer is what you were going to get good sir wow that was due to hits just two hits holy crap whoa what the debug lines dude that was actually really crazy all right I got to do something no I got to reset my daily points and put it all into charisma because I need to make as much money as possible today My Little Blacksmith Shop fitgirl repacks all right so let’s give this to you awesome how much did I make – silver are you for real hold on how much did that angel things sell for can I read this.But I can’t I always could read this maybe not in this build I don’t know whatever I am so slow it’s not even funny holy crap really that was stupid I hang on a second my dude okay what you got homey copper one hand sword yes sir you were going to get a tin of course ten one hand sword alright should be like one hit yep oh my god just one hit with this iron hammer I don’t even have anything in strength it’s literally just the hammer oh we are so are these not going to attach to one another or what oh okay they went in they grip together now you can grip right yes holy crap look at that thing are you for real my goodness here you go buddy what what did I get for that one one silver 700k.

So what for some reason it won’t tell me why want to tell me what I get anymore that sucks holy crap look at this stock dude this is nuts and that angel stuff this angel stuff that was crazy and that sword looked ballin dude I’m surprised you didn’t start glowing or something I was really hoping it would hey buddy hurry on up ma’am I’m dying to make you some angel stuff a two hand axe please okay we’ll do another angel one here and a My Little Blacksmith Shop skidrow, it’d be good for you one hit two hits that’s that’s a be ridiculous alright boom hey go those debug lines really suck if anyone knows the code to get rid of those that’d be awesome it wasn’t nearly as much oh hello mr. green man oh you’ve got some red here what do you want a 10-1 hand sword an eight-hour shield okay did I make the tower thing oh I never got around to that crap Jesus Christ I have to hit this thing.

Akha million times this is exactly why I said I wanted to do this from the beginning is because it takes forever to do it holy crap I am so slow I’m sorry guys I should have thought about that tower shield come here you’re like way away okay I guess I can’t put want this one on top of the this is dumb drop that there here we go now I have to put this on top I guess hello attached come on you’re doing your thing alright I guess I’ll attach one of you what the hell okay maybe these things are too close to one another I should probably move all these it’s gonna cause problems come on all right I’m gonna somebody have to get rid of these for now oh he left Wow he got so impatient he left .How beautiful why would you not work you’re spreading misinformation about my shop here man this freaking get on it what what Blue Beard wanted a copper one hand sword okay you know whatever all right you’re gonna get another angel weapon now well do a rare one okay yeah now they’re full angel one boom boom blades hit it once cool it down, put it on there we go okay there’s your one hand sword buddy maybe maybe the problem is the ten maybe the problem is that I made it out of ten.

I shouldn’t have done that maybe so let’s go ahead and I can’t break this down I could potentially put it in the that thing over there but let me just make it out of copper that way I have as Howard shield already made up how about that huh what oh my god it fits I hid it in it fell off iron to hand axe I don’t have iron buddy sorry about that I do have some tin though boom okay there’s the tin axe head we have let’s see how much we get for the uncommon gold there we go okay that’s generally how I imagined to post the work wow that’s pretty good man that’s pretty good iron great hammer sure sure buddy sure all right you again can get a uncommon golden – hand grip see I’m breaking everything wait what the hell is this get this out of here that’s so dumb all right let’s get let’s get this great hammer boy this this episode’s not working out for me very well huh it’s not going in my favor it seems freakin great hammer,

That was all on My Little Blacksmith Shop fitgirl repack free download PC game,If you have any question related to this topic then comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging