ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC. And the best this about this ENGLISH version is that it’s free to download. In this tutorial, we will show you how to download and Install ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Torrent for free. Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Fit girl repack is a free to play a game. Yes, you can get this game for free. Now there are different websites from which you can download ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites. Also, ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.


Yes, you can download ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

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Now to download and Install ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV for free on your PC you have to follow below-given steps. If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First, you have to download ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV on your PC. You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open. There you have to log in. Once you login the download process will start automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Adblocker. Otherwise, you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch the game Installation video and Troubleshooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screenshots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Review, Walkthrough, and Gameplay

This is more like a film remake than a game remake. The main idea and framework – yeah, that’s usually the same. A person might share the same name, but they are a completely different character now. Some huge plot elements could be reworked or torn out, or added in – it’s all up in the air. “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  PC download” does all of these things, but still acknowledges that the plot of the first game still happened. It may even challenge you on which you prefer, though the story isn’t that much different than one.

Don’t worry, they still have all the trashcans everywhere. This dual nature of the game does make it tricky to talk about. So, we’ll talk about it as a sequel and a remake, which is going to get messy, but it’s okay – we’re here together. You know, because taking on one fever dream game by itself was just too easy, so here we go again. The game starts off on a train and with a new friend. The kind of friend who emerges from a coffin and then wants to tell you a secret. Just like in middle school.

This begins one of the most surreal tutorials I’ve played in a game. You’re learning how to drink water and people are turning into mimes. Then, all of a sudden, you’re in ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  torrent PC Ito’s Mongolian Thunderdome. And then you learn how to trade by exchanging hearts. This is a long tutorial sequence, but it is effective. Yeah, it’s teaching you how to play, but it’s also making the drop into the main game more cushioned. You’re starting off in a land of visions and metaphors. It’s disjointed, so arriving in a town feels like a relief from all of that. At least for now. There will be a lot more to learn, but it’s a great introduction. You know, it tells you what the buttons do. Unlike “1”. That just had these two guys giving you a huge information dump. They say so much at once, that you can easily miss out on essential info. This is probably why a lot of players didn’t know they can receive mail. It would all be cryptic unless you looked in the controls. You might think it’s odd to focus on the tutorial. Well, it represents the biggest change from “1” to “2”.

See, the first game wasn’t just frustrating from the walking (even though that was a big part of it). It was the fact that you were frequently so aimless when playing it. You had all these characters to babysit and you check on them and usually, they’d be fine, but sometimes they’d be in trouble. And you did this by walking across town and then you’d stare at them in the face. The difficulty for the first game did not come from hard survival mechanics. It was really easy to farm bandits and have lots of supplies forever. The challenge came from constantly walking, wondering if you’re wasting your time doing it. Along with mundane nightmare missions like this one. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but this is a big change. “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  fitgirl repack” teaches you more and shows you more. The game is still more difficult but as a survival and decision challenge. I’m deciding if I should fight or get the hell out – I’m not walking across town to someone who might be in trouble to just check up on things and wondering if rat poison will stop my heart. [ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  ova games] I got ahead of myself there. Some of you don’t know what this game is all about. You play as a surgeon named Artemy.

He’s been off studying in a big city when he receives an urgent letter from his father to return home. So, he does, and three people immediately try to shank him in a ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  fitgirl repacks. It quickly becomes apparent why he left, because the town is… bizarre. Bizarre beyond the murderers and the furries, which are part and parcel of any city. ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  igg games, You don’t know where the town is. It doesn’t really have a name, besides just “the town on the Gorhkon River”. It’s also uncertain when exactly this game takes place. I mean, yeah there’s a gramophone, but also the giant floating Polyhedron tower. There are also the creatures who want to trade organs or give you a canal tour. Then, you have all the townspeople. They are all over the place. Some look like Mongolian shepherds, turn of the century men, anime villains, this mime. This town is out of time and space. It’s an alien culture, that the character Artemy has to relearn and you, the player, have to learn from scratch. The situation like this would be hard to order a meal in. In Artemy’s case, it turned out that his father was murdered and there’s a serial killer on the loose. Many suspect the killer to be something called the Shabnak Steppe Demon. And that it heralds the arrival of a deadly incurable plague. Artemy has come back just in time for the opening of mass hysteria. You’ll need to discover who killed your father, save the town and save yourself. Now that you have the gist of it, let’s go over the presentation and detail. On a technical level, the game is very impressive looking.

The superb lighting, shadows, and reflections do a lot to generate atmosphere. Besides just being nice looking when you’re moving through the game world, it’s used incredibly effectively in the set pieces too. “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  ocean of games” has a lot of creepy and surreal visuals. Especially, when you compare it with its predecessor. A lot of these graphical techniques just weren’t available for the first game. So, not only do they come off a lot stronger, there’s just more of them in general. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect improvement. In conversation, the character models are great and they have a lot of subtle animation to them. They do breach into the uncanny valley sometimes, but that could be intentional. Whatever, it doesn’t look like “Mount&Blade” anymore. The animations outside of those, particularly in combat, are pretty janky. It almost looks like they were recorded at a lower framerate than the game is actually running at. People will slide around a lot and some things just look so odd that it gives everyone a kind of mannequin feeling. There’s still a lot of great animation work, but the lesser ones will take you out of it. Speaking of that kind of thing, there are some graphical issues. Mainly, these stutters and slowdowns. They seem to happen right before or slightly after entering a new area. That can happen by going from outside to inside or you’re just walking through town, and you cross an invisible loading line, and everything stops. This did improve after a patch, but it could still happen occasionally. I always thought the game was about to crash, but, to its credit, that never happened. The true terror of this issue only arrives in combat. There’s nothing like fighting a leper with a rusty shank and wondering if you die to time dilation instead. It never actually screwed me over, but it could have. And it needs fixing. Mark Immortell: “It’s not in the best shape as it is…” Now, as for the art direction – that is excellent. The world of “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  fitgirl repack” has a very interesting look to it. At a quick glance, the town might look like a typical early 20th-century European town. But it’s also being influenced by a tribal steppe culture. They bring with them innovative ideas, like regarding bulls as being sacred. This is a direct contrast to the town, who’s starting to industrialize. But rather than being completely at odds with each other, a lot of the town is the fusion of both cultures.

The house looks European, but it has tribal tapestries inside. Makeshift contemporary hospital – shamans wearing bone bird costumes with glowing eyes. It goes beyond just picking out which element would belong to which side and blends into being its own thing. For example, the giant superstructures that are just looming over the town ominously. It’s hard to pick a category for those and going inside them doesn’t help much. Having this style work without being a complete mess is already a feat, but there is an entire another layer on top of it. Everything you’ve seen is underneath the theatrical presentation. It’s like a big scary play. It’s not hidden or subtle either. Right, when you get to town there are stage lights. Characters might act as stagehands or speak theatrically. Then you have the actual theatre building in the center of town, which predicts the future at midnight. But that’s another story… It sounds like a mess when you spell it out like that, but it works because of the insane attention to detail. Even after two playthroughs, just coming back to record a few other snippets of things, I would keep finding stuff I hadn’t noticed before. Like, I didn’t notice at all that playground equipment had bullheads on it. It’s such a mundane object, but they went that extra mile to make it fit in the world. And then you have the surreal and horror elements sprinkled around in there too. “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV ” never quite hit this as hard as “2” does, but I won’t spoil all of that. Then they took everything in this setting and made an apocalypse happening on top of it. So yeah, that’s unique, to say the least. Still, visuals are only half of the presentation. The sound of the game has its own unique qualities to it, so I’ll start with the good fist.

Conversation voice acting is interesting with that trademark “ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  PC download” stage delivery jazz to it. CHANGELING: “Light feet and heavy heart, huh? It should be the other way around.” FURRY: “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” BACHELOR: “What you call such a man? A slave. You call him a slave.” CLAW PERFORMER: “Please, welcome The Outbreak!” CLAW PERFORMER: “The theatre is officially disbanded.” CLAW PERFORMER: “As well as other conveniences: running water, access to your own children, who never leave their beloved Polyhedron anyway.” Naturally, this is backed up by how well the sound builds atmosphere. Like the first game, the soundtrack is unique and has a lot of memorable qualities to it. This time around, it is for different reasons and is no longer the Genghis Khan directed “Half-Life 2” soundtrack. The music is more tribal, ethereal and mystic this time around. A lot of bells, sitars, and chanting. Depending on your ancestry, this could compel you to dance or build a spice mine somewhere. Let’s check out a few samples.

Then you have the creepier tracks, like the one that sounds like someone’s scratching on wood. [ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV  fitgirl repack] Then, sometimes, it gets really ominous. PLAGUE: “An open wound is a window into the world.” PLAGUE: “A shout is an arm reaching out from the gaping mouth…” “Come on, college boy!” It’s nice that the music is just as strange and otherworldly as the rest of the game. The environment, in general, has great sound mixing. That was my big audio complaint in “Pathologic 1” and it’s been improved completely. It was easier to get immersed this time, instead of having dogs bark and babies cry in my ear constantly. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the mixing of minor characters. The random background sounds and callouts of unnamed NPCs and all that. I get the feeling that the voice actors did not record in the same studio. Some NPC conversations don’t sound like they are in the same room. [some NPC conversations that don’t sound like they’re in the same room] There’s also not enough variety among the NPCs. A pyromaniac arsonist and a sick bandit sound exactly the same and have the same line. ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Fitgirl

The Co-insurance Clause

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause

Of the more important clauses in current use, the one most frequently used, most severely criticized, most mis¬ understood, most legislated against, and withal the most reasonable and most equitable, is that which in general terms is known as the “co-insurance clause.”
Insurance is one of the great necessities of our business, social and economic life, and the expense of maintaining it should be distributed among the property owners of the country as equitably as it is humanly possible so to do.
Losses and expenses are paid out of premiums col¬ lected. When a loss is total the penalty for underinsurance falls where it properly belongs, on the insured who has elected to save premium and assume a portion of the risk himself, and the same penalty for underinsurance should by contract be made to apply in case of partial loss as applies automatically in case of total loss.
If all losses were total, liberality on the part of the insured in the payment of premium would bring its own reward, and parsimony would bring its own penalty; but the records of the leading companies show that of all the losses sustained, about 65%—numerically—are less than $100; about 30% are between $100 and total; and about 5% are total. The natural inclination, therefore, on the part of the public, particularly on the less hazardous risks, is to under¬ insure and take the chance of not having a total loss; and this will generally be done except under special conditions, or when reasonably full insurance must be carried to sustain credit or as collateral security for loans. There were several strik¬ ing illustrations of this in the San Francisco conflagration, where the amount of insurance carried on so-called fireproof buildings was less than 10% of their value, and the insured in such instances, of course, paid a heavy penalty for their neglect to carry adequate insurance.
Co-insurance operates only in case of partial loss, where both the insurance carried and the loss sustained are less than the prescribed percentage named in the clause, and has the effect of preventing one who has insured for a small percentage of value and paid a correspondingly small pre¬ mium from collecting as much in the event of loss as one who has insured for a large percentage of value and paid a correspondingly large premium. We have high authority for the principle,
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
and it should be applied to contracts of insurance. Rating systems may come, and rating systems may go; but, unless the principle of co-insurance be recognized and universally applied, there can be no equitable division of the insurance burden, and the existing inequalities will go on forever. The principle is so well established in some countries that the general foreign form of policy issued by the London offices for use therein contains the full co-insurance clause in the printed conditions.
The necessity for co-insurance as an equalizer of rates was quite forcibly illustrated by a prominent underwriter in an ad¬ dress delivered several years ago, in the following example involving two buildings of superior construction:
Value $100,000 Value $100,000
Insurance 80,000 Insurance 10,000
Rate 1% Rate 1%
Premium received— Premium received—
one year, 800 one year, 100
No Co-insurance Clause No Co-insurance Clause
Loss 800 Loss 800
Loss Collectible 800 Loss Collectible 800
“B” pays only one-eighth as much premium as “A,” yet both collect the same amount of loss, and in the absence of co-insurance conditions both would collect the same amount in all instances where the loss is $10,000 or less. Of course, if the loss should exceed $10,000, “A” would reap his reward, and “B” would pay his penalty. This situation clearly calls either for a difference in rate in favor of “A” or for a difference in loss collection as against “B,” and the latter can be regulated only through the medium of a co-insurance condition in the policy.
At this point it may not be amiss incidentally to inquire why the owner of a building which is heavily encumbered, whose policies are payable to a mortgagee (particularly a junior encumbrancer) under a mortgagee clause, and where subrogation may be of little or no value, should have the benefit of the same rate as the owner of another building of similar construction with similar occupancy, but unencum¬ bered.
In some states rates are made with and without co- insurance conditions, quite a material reduction in the basis rate being allowed for the insertion of the 80% clause in the policy, and a further reduction for the use of the 90% and 100% clauses. This, however, does not go far enough, and any variation in rate should be graded according to the co-insurance percentage named in the clause, and this gradation should not be restricted, as it is, to 80%, 90% or 100%, if the principle of equalization is to be maintained.
Various clauses designed to give practical effect to the co-insurance principle have been in use in this country for nearly forty years in connection with fire and other contracts of insurance. Some of these are well adapted to the purpose intended, while others fail to accomplish said purpose under certain conditions; but, fortunately, incidents of this nature are not of frequent occurrence.
There are, generally speaking, four forms, which differ quite materially in phraseology, and sometimes differ in prac¬ tical application. These four clauses are: (1) the old co- insurance clause; (2) the percentage co-insurance clause; (3) the average clause; (4) the reduced rate contribution clause.
Until recently, underwriters were complacently using some of these titles indiscriminately in certain portions of the country, under the assumption that the clauses, although differently phrased, were in effect the same, but they were subjected to quite a rude awakening by a decision which was handed down about a year ago by the Tennessee Court of Civic Appeals. The law in Tennessee permits the use of the three-fourths value clause and the co-insurance clause, but permits no other restrictive provisions. The form in use bore the inscription “Co-insurance Clause,” but the context was the phraseology of the reduced rate contribution clause, and although the result was the same under the operation of either, the court held that the form used was not the co- insurance clause, hence it was void and consequently inop¬ erative. Thompson vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. (Tenn. 1919) 215 S.W. Rep. 932, 55 Ins. Law Journal 122.
The law of Georgia provides that all insurance companies shall pay the full amount of loss sustained up to the amount of insurance expressed in the policy, and that all stipulations in such policies to the contrary shall be null and void. The law further provides that when the insured has several policies on the same property, his recovery from any company will be pro rata as to the amount thereof.
About twenty years ago, the Supreipe Court of Georgia was called upon to decide whether under the law referred to the old co-insurance clause then in use, which provided
“that the assured shall at all times maintain a total insurance upon the property insured by this policy of not less than 75% of the actual cash value thereof . . . . and that failing to do so, the assured shall
become a co-insurer to the extent of the deficiency,”
was valid and enforceable, and it decided that the clause was not violative of the law. Pekor vs. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (1898) (106 Ga. page 1)

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause
The court evidently construed the clause as a binding agreement on the part of the insured to secure insurance up to a certain percentage of value, and virtually held that if the insured himself desired to take the place of another insurance company he was at liberty to do so as one way of fulfilling his agreement.

The Georgia courts, however, have not passed upon the validity of the reduced rate contribution clause in connection with the statutory law above referred to; but it is fair to assume that they will view the matter in the same light as the Tennessee court (supra), and hold that it is not a co-insurance clause, even though it generally produces the same result; that it contains no provision whatever requiring the insured to carry or procure a stated amount of insurance, and in event of failure, to become a co-insurer, but that it is simply a clause placing a limitation upon the insurer’s liability, which is expressly prohibited by statute. The fact that the insurers have labeled it “75% Co-insurance Clause” does not make it such.
It is, therefore, not at all surprising that the question is frequently asked as to the difference between the various forms of so-called co-insurance clauses, and these will be considered in the order in which, chronologically, they came into use.
Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred there is no difference* between these clauses in the results obtained by their application, but cases occasionally arise where ac¬ cording to the generally accepted interpretation the difference will be quite pronounced. This difference, which will be hereinafter considered, appears in connecton with the old co-insurance clause and the percentage co-insurance clause, and only in cases where the policies are nonconcurrent.
The first of the four forms is the old co-insurance clause which for many years was the only one used in the West, and which is used there still, to some extent, and now quite generally in the South. Its reintroduction in the South was probably due to the Tennessee decision, to which reference has been made (supra). This clause provides that the insured shall maintain insurance on the property described in the policy to the extent of at least a stated percentage (usually 80%) of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do, shall to the extent of such deficit bear his, her or their pro¬ portion of any loss. It does not say that he shall maintain insurance on all of the property, and the prevailing opinion is that the co-insurance clause will be complied with if he carries the stipulated percentage of insurance either on all or on any part of the property described, notwithstanding the fact that a portion of said insurance may be of no assist¬ ance whatever to the blanket, or more general policy, as a contributing factor.

Super Crush KO Fitgirl Repack

Super Crush KO Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Super Crush KO Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Super Crush KO Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Super Crush KO Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Super Crush KO igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Super Crush KO for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Super Crush KO on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Super Crush KO

Now to download and Install Super Crush KO for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Super Crush KO on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

 Super Crush KO Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

We’re back once again with another episode of Super Crush KO fitgirl repack pc download, that show we’re give you some straight-up gameplay .Our first impressions of the latest games releasing this one is definitely just some first impressions Super Crush KO igggames. We’ve been a little burned out after all the other games but a lot of you guys were asking for just some basic information on this one so here we go it’s pokemon sword and shield PC download. This Is It Super Crush KO fitgirl repack is the one this is the first true Nintendo switch Pokemon game if you don’t count the more casual pared down Super Crush KO let’s go.

So Super Crush KO had a lot of high expectations on it it really did and what I think we’ve ended up with here is a competent if predictable entry it doesn’t feel like the massive new step in Super Crush KO history it feels more like a smaller stepping stone in some ways I’m glad it’s heading in this direction though but there are some big shortcomings .It’s just like a step forward and a step back so in it you’re a young person in the Galore region looking to become a Super Crush KO trainer and the next champion hop your best bud and sort of first rival has a brother named Leo .That is the Super Crush KO fitgirl repack champion with a Super Crush KO ova games.

He comes back to your hometown and gives you guys your first Pokemon and of course you choose from three different types he gives you his blessing and you venture out into this new with somewhat United Kingdom inspired world.To go meet more rival trainers build on your Super Crush KO pc download, become a world famous Super Crush KO trainer all that stuff.But of course it’s really all about the friends you make along the way human and Super Crush KO come on guys we’ve been doing this for like 20 years now so like Sun and Moon before it there is a big emphasis on story here there’s a lot of characters and lots and lots of dialogue it’s fine and fairly interesting.But one of the things that rears its ugly head that’s making Super Crush KO start to feel a little outdated is the voice acting. I’m always generous in this regard but this time. I really think Super Crush KO sorely needs voice acting the game’s characters look so damn good and move around so much but you’re just reading text once again .

It’s a shame because a lot of the characters here are cool-looking and very very charming I really like them but Pokemon is moving into a new generation and I helping maybe somewhat naively of me that voice-acting would have been one substantial change here and I was just surprised by how much I was actually left wanting it I can understand it’s a very big game there’s lots and lots of dialogue in here in a big world but even a half step like how the Yakuza games are half voice and half not or even some someSuper Crush KO pc download.

That do it that way that stuff would have gone a long way here but presentation-wise other than that the game really does have it going on Super Crush KO are exciting the way battles kick off is always exciting and especially when the story fights are concerned like there’s stuff like some really cool mid-match dialogue and camera angles style choices. I really love seeing but really more than anything else it’s the look of the world itself it’s nothing short of breathtaking at least in terms of like an art style standpoint I’m not exaggerating the colors the detail the rolling hills and valleys the flying native

The Co-insurance Clause

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause

Of the more important clauses in current use, the one most frequently used, most severely criticized, most mis¬ understood, most legislated against, and withal the most reasonable and most equitable, is that which in general terms is known as the “co-insurance clause.”
Insurance is one of the great necessities of our business, social and economic life, and the expense of maintaining it should be distributed among the property owners of the country as equitably as it is humanly possible so to do.
Losses and expenses are paid out of premiums col¬ lected. When a loss is total the penalty for underinsurance falls where it properly belongs, on the insured who has elected to save premium and assume a portion of the risk himself, and the same penalty for underinsurance should by contract be made to apply in case of partial loss as applies automatically in case of total loss.
If all losses were total, liberality on the part of the insured in the payment of premium would bring its own reward, and parsimony would bring its own penalty; but the records of the leading companies show that of all the losses sustained, about 65%—numerically—are less than $100; about 30% are between $100 and total; and about 5% are total. The natural inclination, therefore, on the part of the public, particularly on the less hazardous risks, is to under¬ insure and take the chance of not having a total loss; and this will generally be done except under special conditions, or when reasonably full insurance must be carried to sustain credit or as collateral security for loans. There were several strik¬ ing illustrations of this in the San Francisco conflagration, where the amount of insurance carried on so-called fireproof buildings was less than 10% of their value, and the insured in such instances, of course, paid a heavy penalty for their neglect to carry adequate insurance.
Co-insurance operates only in case of partial loss, where both the insurance carried and the loss sustained are less than the prescribed percentage named in the clause, and has the effect of preventing one who has insured for a small percentage of value and paid a correspondingly small pre¬ mium from collecting as much in the event of loss as one who has insured for a large percentage of value and paid a correspondingly large premium. We have high authority for the principle,
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
and it should be applied to contracts of insurance. Rating systems may come, and rating systems may go; but, unless the principle of co-insurance be recognized and universally applied, there can be no equitable division of the insurance burden, and the existing inequalities will go on forever. The principle is so well established in some countries that the general foreign form of policy issued by the London offices for use therein contains the full co-insurance clause in the printed conditions.
The necessity for co-insurance as an equalizer of rates was quite forcibly illustrated by a prominent underwriter in an ad¬ dress delivered several years ago, in the following example involving two buildings of superior construction:
Value $100,000 Value $100,000
Insurance 80,000 Insurance 10,000
Rate 1% Rate 1%
Premium received— Premium received—
one year, 800 one year, 100
No Co-insurance Clause No Co-insurance Clause
Loss 800 Loss 800
Loss Collectible 800 Loss Collectible 800
“B” pays only one-eighth as much premium as “A,” yet both collect the same amount of loss, and in the absence of co-insurance conditions both would collect the same amount in all instances where the loss is $10,000 or less. Of course, if the loss should exceed $10,000, “A” would reap his reward, and “B” would pay his penalty. This situation clearly calls either for a difference in rate in favor of “A” or for a difference in loss collection as against “B,” and the latter can be regulated only through the medium of a co-insurance condition in the policy.
At this point it may not be amiss incidentally to inquire why the owner of a building which is heavily encumbered, whose policies are payable to a mortgagee (particularly a junior encumbrancer) under a mortgagee clause, and where subrogation may be of little or no value, should have the benefit of the same rate as the owner of another building of similar construction with similar occupancy, but unencum¬ bered.
In some states rates are made with and without co- insurance conditions, quite a material reduction in the basis rate being allowed for the insertion of the 80% clause in the policy, and a further reduction for the use of the 90% and 100% clauses. This, however, does not go far enough, and any variation in rate should be graded according to the co-insurance percentage named in the clause, and this gradation should not be restricted, as it is, to 80%, 90% or 100%, if the principle of equalization is to be maintained.
Various clauses designed to give practical effect to the co-insurance principle have been in use in this country for nearly forty years in connection with fire and other contracts of insurance. Some of these are well adapted to the purpose intended, while others fail to accomplish said purpose under certain conditions; but, fortunately, incidents of this nature are not of frequent occurrence.
There are, generally speaking, four forms, which differ quite materially in phraseology, and sometimes differ in prac¬ tical application. These four clauses are: (1) the old co- insurance clause; (2) the percentage co-insurance clause; (3) the average clause; (4) the reduced rate contribution clause.
Until recently, underwriters were complacently using some of these titles indiscriminately in certain portions of the country, under the assumption that the clauses, although differently phrased, were in effect the same, but they were subjected to quite a rude awakening by a decision which was handed down about a year ago by the Tennessee Court of Civic Appeals. The law in Tennessee permits the use of the three-fourths value clause and the co-insurance clause, but permits no other restrictive provisions. The form in use bore the inscription “Co-insurance Clause,” but the context was the phraseology of the reduced rate contribution clause, and although the result was the same under the operation of either, the court held that the form used was not the co- insurance clause, hence it was void and consequently inop¬ erative. Thompson vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. (Tenn. 1919) 215 S.W. Rep. 932, 55 Ins. Law Journal 122.
The law of Georgia provides that all insurance companies shall pay the full amount of loss sustained up to the amount of insurance expressed in the policy, and that all stipulations in such policies to the contrary shall be null and void. The law further provides that when the insured has several policies on the same property, his recovery from any company will be pro rata as to the amount thereof.
About twenty years ago, the Supreipe Court of Georgia was called upon to decide whether under the law referred to the old co-insurance clause then in use, which provided
“that the assured shall at all times maintain a total insurance upon the property insured by this policy of not less than 75% of the actual cash value thereof . . . . and that failing to do so, the assured shall
become a co-insurer to the extent of the deficiency,”
was valid and enforceable, and it decided that the clause was not violative of the law. Pekor vs. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (1898) (106 Ga. page 1)

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause
The court evidently construed the clause as a binding agreement on the part of the insured to secure insurance up to a certain percentage of value, and virtually held that if the insured himself desired to take the place of another insurance company he was at liberty to do so as one way of fulfilling his agreement.

The Georgia courts, however, have not passed upon the validity of the reduced rate contribution clause in connection with the statutory law above referred to; but it is fair to assume that they will view the matter in the same light as the Tennessee court (supra), and hold that it is not a co-insurance clause, even though it generally produces the same result; that it contains no provision whatever requiring the insured to carry or procure a stated amount of insurance, and in event of failure, to become a co-insurer, but that it is simply a clause placing a limitation upon the insurer’s liability, which is expressly prohibited by statute. The fact that the insurers have labeled it “75% Co-insurance Clause” does not make it such.
It is, therefore, not at all surprising that the question is frequently asked as to the difference between the various forms of so-called co-insurance clauses, and these will be considered in the order in which, chronologically, they came into use.
Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred there is no difference* between these clauses in the results obtained by their application, but cases occasionally arise where ac¬ cording to the generally accepted interpretation the difference will be quite pronounced. This difference, which will be hereinafter considered, appears in connecton with the old co-insurance clause and the percentage co-insurance clause, and only in cases where the policies are nonconcurrent.
The first of the four forms is the old co-insurance clause which for many years was the only one used in the West, and which is used there still, to some extent, and now quite generally in the South. Its reintroduction in the South was probably due to the Tennessee decision, to which reference has been made (supra). This clause provides that the insured shall maintain insurance on the property described in the policy to the extent of at least a stated percentage (usually 80%) of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do, shall to the extent of such deficit bear his, her or their pro¬ portion of any loss. It does not say that he shall maintain insurance on all of the property, and the prevailing opinion is that the co-insurance clause will be complied with if he carries the stipulated percentage of insurance either on all or on any part of the property described, notwithstanding the fact that a portion of said insurance may be of no assist¬ ance whatever to the blanket, or more general policy, as a contributing factor.

Sands of Salzaar Download

Sands of Salzaar Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Sands of Salzaar Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Sands of Salzaar Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Sands of Salzaar Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Sands of Salzaar igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Sands of Salzaar for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Sands of Salzaar on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Sands of Salzaar

Now to download and Install Sands of Salzaar for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Sands of Salzaar on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING Sands of Salzaar Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Sands of Salzaar Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

Some things never change and usually those things end up dying off oftentimes .The most successful and long that franchises are the ones that adapt over time in the best case scenarios those changes leading to those series becoming better than Sands of Salzaar igg games download.They’ve ever been before such was the case with the Sands of Salzaar series which broke new ground in the 80s but failed to find success.In the 90s it wasn’t until the franchise underwent a complete overhaul that it would re-enter the spotlight and plant the seeds for a dramatic shift in the gaming zeitgeist and I’ll see just how well that reinvention has stood the test of time when I complete Prince of Persia the sands of time hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the Sands of Salzaar fitgirl repack .Today we’re doing some stuff about Persia like the fact that has not been called Persia since around 1935 also a 1935 Porky Pig made his official debut in 1935.The first ever cans of beer were made for sale incidentally in 1935 we saw the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous we like to learn things here on the show yes.

Wondering how the hell Marty’s gonna rescue doc from the Old West you’re staring slack-jawed at the incredible animation in Prince of Persia what seems like crude visuals.Today’s standards was blowing people’s minds back in the day with its evocative adventure Sands of Salzaar download smoothness but that allure only and lasted so long in a decade later in an attempt to reclaim its relevance .TheSands of Salzaar download pumped out this sequel.That’s rough even by 1999 standards and everybody knew it too so the franchise slipped into hibernation during which Sands of Salzaar game download snapped up its rights their goal was to hit the rewind button on the series in more ways than one in an attempt to recreate the magic and in 2004, when the sands of time was released for every major console it turned more heads than a high school reunion tear makeover the game eventually sold well resurrecting the Prince of Persia franchise for a brand new era that included a slew of sequels some spin-offs .

This notch in a bad video game movie bedpost the series even got another reboot in 2008 they rebooted the reboot Sands of Salzaar ocean of games, put in Hollywood a shame I never got around to playing the sands of time let alone any Prince of Persia game so now that I finally decided to complete it I’m thankful that it’s been released in Sands of Salzaar torrent for the ps3 which includes updated visuals and trophy support .Then so let’s break things down first up I’ll actually have to beat the game twice thanks to two trophies concerning the princess ability to rewind time during Sands of Salzaar download one trophy requires me to hit the rewind button over 200 times.In a single playthrough and the other prohibits me from doing so more than 19 times yeah I’m gonna be doing that one second after I’ve become familiar with all the games pits and perils not that I’ll be needing the rewind rewinding is for babies and for the movie click .Next up I’ll have to find all the sand clouds which are this games only real collectible they’re little swirls of dust that can gradually increase the amount of times the Prince can manipulate time sometimes you just don’t mess up the Sands of Salzaar download enough on your first trip .Through and lastly I’ll have to locate every hidden fountain which are mysterious caverns where the Prince can buff his max health.


The Co-insurance Clause

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause

Of the more important clauses in current use, the one most frequently used, most severely criticized, most mis¬ understood, most legislated against, and withal the most reasonable and most equitable, is that which in general terms is known as the “co-insurance clause.”
Insurance is one of the great necessities of our business, social and economic life, and the expense of maintaining it should be distributed among the property owners of the country as equitably as it is humanly possible so to do.
Losses and expenses are paid out of premiums col¬ lected. When a loss is total the penalty for underinsurance falls where it properly belongs, on the insured who has elected to save premium and assume a portion of the risk himself, and the same penalty for underinsurance should by contract be made to apply in case of partial loss as applies automatically in case of total loss.
If all losses were total, liberality on the part of the insured in the payment of premium would bring its own reward, and parsimony would bring its own penalty; but the records of the leading companies show that of all the losses sustained, about 65%—numerically—are less than $100; about 30% are between $100 and total; and about 5% are total. The natural inclination, therefore, on the part of the public, particularly on the less hazardous risks, is to under¬ insure and take the chance of not having a total loss; and this will generally be done except under special conditions, or when reasonably full insurance must be carried to sustain credit or as collateral security for loans. There were several strik¬ ing illustrations of this in the San Francisco conflagration, where the amount of insurance carried on so-called fireproof buildings was less than 10% of their value, and the insured in such instances, of course, paid a heavy penalty for their neglect to carry adequate insurance.
Co-insurance operates only in case of partial loss, where both the insurance carried and the loss sustained are less than the prescribed percentage named in the clause, and has the effect of preventing one who has insured for a small percentage of value and paid a correspondingly small pre¬ mium from collecting as much in the event of loss as one who has insured for a large percentage of value and paid a correspondingly large premium. We have high authority for the principle,
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
and it should be applied to contracts of insurance. Rating systems may come, and rating systems may go; but, unless the principle of co-insurance be recognized and universally applied, there can be no equitable division of the insurance burden, and the existing inequalities will go on forever. The principle is so well established in some countries that the general foreign form of policy issued by the London offices for use therein contains the full co-insurance clause in the printed conditions.
The necessity for co-insurance as an equalizer of rates was quite forcibly illustrated by a prominent underwriter in an ad¬ dress delivered several years ago, in the following example involving two buildings of superior construction:
Value $100,000 Value $100,000
Insurance 80,000 Insurance 10,000
Rate 1% Rate 1%
Premium received— Premium received—
one year, 800 one year, 100
No Co-insurance Clause No Co-insurance Clause
Loss 800 Loss 800
Loss Collectible 800 Loss Collectible 800
“B” pays only one-eighth as much premium as “A,” yet both collect the same amount of loss, and in the absence of co-insurance conditions both would collect the same amount in all instances where the loss is $10,000 or less. Of course, if the loss should exceed $10,000, “A” would reap his reward, and “B” would pay his penalty. This situation clearly calls either for a difference in rate in favor of “A” or for a difference in loss collection as against “B,” and the latter can be regulated only through the medium of a co-insurance condition in the policy.
At this point it may not be amiss incidentally to inquire why the owner of a building which is heavily encumbered, whose policies are payable to a mortgagee (particularly a junior encumbrancer) under a mortgagee clause, and where subrogation may be of little or no value, should have the benefit of the same rate as the owner of another building of similar construction with similar occupancy, but unencum¬ bered.
In some states rates are made with and without co- insurance conditions, quite a material reduction in the basis rate being allowed for the insertion of the 80% clause in the policy, and a further reduction for the use of the 90% and 100% clauses. This, however, does not go far enough, and any variation in rate should be graded according to the co-insurance percentage named in the clause, and this gradation should not be restricted, as it is, to 80%, 90% or 100%, if the principle of equalization is to be maintained.
Various clauses designed to give practical effect to the co-insurance principle have been in use in this country for nearly forty years in connection with fire and other contracts of insurance. Some of these are well adapted to the purpose intended, while others fail to accomplish said purpose under certain conditions; but, fortunately, incidents of this nature are not of frequent occurrence.
There are, generally speaking, four forms, which differ quite materially in phraseology, and sometimes differ in prac¬ tical application. These four clauses are: (1) the old co- insurance clause; (2) the percentage co-insurance clause; (3) the average clause; (4) the reduced rate contribution clause.
Until recently, underwriters were complacently using some of these titles indiscriminately in certain portions of the country, under the assumption that the clauses, although differently phrased, were in effect the same, but they were subjected to quite a rude awakening by a decision which was handed down about a year ago by the Tennessee Court of Civic Appeals. The law in Tennessee permits the use of the three-fourths value clause and the co-insurance clause, but permits no other restrictive provisions. The form in use bore the inscription “Co-insurance Clause,” but the context was the phraseology of the reduced rate contribution clause, and although the result was the same under the operation of either, the court held that the form used was not the co- insurance clause, hence it was void and consequently inop¬ erative. Thompson vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. (Tenn. 1919) 215 S.W. Rep. 932, 55 Ins. Law Journal 122.
The law of Georgia provides that all insurance companies shall pay the full amount of loss sustained up to the amount of insurance expressed in the policy, and that all stipulations in such policies to the contrary shall be null and void. The law further provides that when the insured has several policies on the same property, his recovery from any company will be pro rata as to the amount thereof.
About twenty years ago, the Supreipe Court of Georgia was called upon to decide whether under the law referred to the old co-insurance clause then in use, which provided
“that the assured shall at all times maintain a total insurance upon the property insured by this policy of not less than 75% of the actual cash value thereof . . . . and that failing to do so, the assured shall
become a co-insurer to the extent of the deficiency,”
was valid and enforceable, and it decided that the clause was not violative of the law. Pekor vs. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (1898) (106 Ga. page 1)

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause
The court evidently construed the clause as a binding agreement on the part of the insured to secure insurance up to a certain percentage of value, and virtually held that if the insured himself desired to take the place of another insurance company he was at liberty to do so as one way of fulfilling his agreement.

The Georgia courts, however, have not passed upon the validity of the reduced rate contribution clause in connection with the statutory law above referred to; but it is fair to assume that they will view the matter in the same light as the Tennessee court (supra), and hold that it is not a co-insurance clause, even though it generally produces the same result; that it contains no provision whatever requiring the insured to carry or procure a stated amount of insurance, and in event of failure, to become a co-insurer, but that it is simply a clause placing a limitation upon the insurer’s liability, which is expressly prohibited by statute. The fact that the insurers have labeled it “75% Co-insurance Clause” does not make it such.
It is, therefore, not at all surprising that the question is frequently asked as to the difference between the various forms of so-called co-insurance clauses, and these will be considered in the order in which, chronologically, they came into use.
Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred there is no difference* between these clauses in the results obtained by their application, but cases occasionally arise where ac¬ cording to the generally accepted interpretation the difference will be quite pronounced. This difference, which will be hereinafter considered, appears in connecton with the old co-insurance clause and the percentage co-insurance clause, and only in cases where the policies are nonconcurrent.
The first of the four forms is the old co-insurance clause which for many years was the only one used in the West, and which is used there still, to some extent, and now quite generally in the South. Its reintroduction in the South was probably due to the Tennessee decision, to which reference has been made (supra). This clause provides that the insured shall maintain insurance on the property described in the policy to the extent of at least a stated percentage (usually 80%) of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do, shall to the extent of such deficit bear his, her or their pro¬ portion of any loss. It does not say that he shall maintain insurance on all of the property, and the prevailing opinion is that the co-insurance clause will be complied with if he carries the stipulated percentage of insurance either on all or on any part of the property described, notwithstanding the fact that a portion of said insurance may be of no assist¬ ance whatever to the blanket, or more general policy, as a contributing factor.

The Blind Prophet Fitgirl Repack

The Blind Prophet Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

The Blind Prophet Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install The Blind Prophet Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download The Blind Prophet Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download The Blind Prophet igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

The Blind Prophet for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download The Blind Prophet on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install The Blind Prophet

Now to download and Install The Blind Prophet for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download The Blind Prophet on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.

TROUBLESHOOTING The Blind Prophet Download

Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

The Blind Prophet Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

We’re here with another episode of The Blind Prophet igg games download.That show we give you some straight-up gameplay and our thoughts and impressions on the latest games releasing as usual. The Blind Prophet fitgirl repack and today we’re talking about Devil May Cry the HD collection this gives you on one disc or via Steam access to high def versions of the original.Three games you know we got the The Blind Prophet pc download from 2001 definitely The Blind Prophet ocean of games from 2003 and Devil May Cry 3 Dante’s awakening from 2005.

Now first you should know straight off the bat that this game was already cleaned up and put on modern consoles.Not too long ago the HD collection hit The Blind Prophet fitgirl repack what we have here today in 2018 is a direct port of the HD version.From the previous generation yep that’s it and with that you’re getting pretty much the same package the good and the bad the good is that there are three awesome games.Well technically two of them are awesome one isn’t totally but still characters look crisp spinner as clean as they can from a The Blind Prophet ocean of games era model and it’s all running in 1080p.

This time as opposed to 720p the last remaster does it look amazing fresh like a new game no not at all did they do the best they could maybe you’ll still get the occasional visual bug or glitch and there’s still weird inconsistencies like menus being four by three and some The Blind Prophet free download not being remastered in widescreen which can be a bit jarring at times it’s also easier to swap between games now though and swapping you might do because they’re still a freaking treat to play through all the games now I say that as a fan who played the hell out of these games so even if they feel aged it doesn’t bother me personally much then keep that in mind if you’re a newcomer they may feel a bit older or clunkier to you but I still find them perfectly playable the original Devil May Cry to me is a masterclass in mood.

Atmosphere your Dante the cocky anime The Blind Prophet free download but you find yourself in these demonic mythical castle locations that feel creepy and otherworldly and it’s pretty fun and easy to get wrapped up into this world of angels and demons and cool sunglasses and matrix moves is it corny now yeah do I care no not really it’s fun it’s actually more challenging in parts than you might remember and it’s just a satisfying The Blind Prophet free download with a good amount of exploration and extras rewarding a replay or two everything is just about kind of perfecting the combat and your style this game and everything is intact most importantly the music and it’s still one of my favorite games of all time now next Devil May Cry 2 is where things get a little weird it’s a bump in the road for the series and while I always found some cool moments and you know I thought the game wasn’t as bad as everyone else said it’s still no 10 out of 10 it drops all the charm and character that the series started to have making the environments big and bland with little personality and making the once really cool light-hearted Dante into a grim dark mute idiot the devil powers though are expanded upon you can fly around and do more and generally just the improved movement by giving you mid jump dodges and cartwheels and cool The Blind Prophet fitgirl repack .

Wall running despite those expansions the game still just feels dull as hell and loses steam a few hours and once you get past the cool stuff and I think in some places the HD miss here makes some of the environments actually look worse but thankfully we also have The Blind Prophet pc download which to some fans is the series crowning achievement this game serves as a prequel and gives way more depth to Dante and Vergil and all the family matters you have different play styles to choose from and the game take some of the decent stuff from Devil May Cry 2 download it makes it actually good but here the combat is absolutely the best it can be it’s easy to swap between weapons you’re constantly using your sword or other different weapon types while also using different guns and the style system is as fleshed out as it has been so it really really rewards changing up your combos .

Just having some style and the progression here is the strongest because you’re gonna be consistently getting different types of moves and new ways to use your weapons to wrap Plus this game has some of the best enemy types and it’s notoriously hard as hell you’re gonna have to get quick reflexes all. I’m saying and The Blind Prophet fitgirl repac controls the best out of these games it definitely feels the most modern the most fully with the most updated and it looks pretty good too so honestly even if you aren’t feeling the other two games. I think three has a good chance of hooking you overall though these games are largely untouched besides the slight visual upgrades here they standardized the controls a little bit especially for the first one that had circle as the jump button.

But I do really think that they could have went a step further and maybe tweaked the camera a little bit especially in one and two it’s mostly fixed so I don’t know how they can get around that but still even an attempt would have been nice because many times enemies will be off screen and you’ll just find yourself kind of helpless it’s a especially bad in two but that’s just another knock against that game otherwise that’s kind of a small complaint The Blind Prophet fitgirl repack.T

his is a real basic bare-bones package here like you have the three games and access to a viewer with a bunch of concept art from all three games which is cool and you can browse and play all the soundtracks but that’s that’s really it it’s very simple like I said bare-bones is a word .So like I said at the start of the video if you did pick this up during the The Blind Prophet torrent you’re basically getting the same thing here this is either for die-hard fans who buy every version in a game honestly kind of like me or someone who has never played the original games and wants to experience them for the first time this is definitely a nice little trip down memory lane and while it definitely isn’t the best HD remaster.

The Co-insurance Clause

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause

Of the more important clauses in current use, the one most frequently used, most severely criticized, most mis¬ understood, most legislated against, and withal the most reasonable and most equitable, is that which in general terms is known as the “co-insurance clause.”
Insurance is one of the great necessities of our business, social and economic life, and the expense of maintaining it should be distributed among the property owners of the country as equitably as it is humanly possible so to do.
Losses and expenses are paid out of premiums col¬ lected. When a loss is total the penalty for underinsurance falls where it properly belongs, on the insured who has elected to save premium and assume a portion of the risk himself, and the same penalty for underinsurance should by contract be made to apply in case of partial loss as applies automatically in case of total loss.
If all losses were total, liberality on the part of the insured in the payment of premium would bring its own reward, and parsimony would bring its own penalty; but the records of the leading companies show that of all the losses sustained, about 65%—numerically—are less than $100; about 30% are between $100 and total; and about 5% are total. The natural inclination, therefore, on the part of the public, particularly on the less hazardous risks, is to under¬ insure and take the chance of not having a total loss; and this will generally be done except under special conditions, or when reasonably full insurance must be carried to sustain credit or as collateral security for loans. There were several strik¬ ing illustrations of this in the San Francisco conflagration, where the amount of insurance carried on so-called fireproof buildings was less than 10% of their value, and the insured in such instances, of course, paid a heavy penalty for their neglect to carry adequate insurance.
Co-insurance operates only in case of partial loss, where both the insurance carried and the loss sustained are less than the prescribed percentage named in the clause, and has the effect of preventing one who has insured for a small percentage of value and paid a correspondingly small pre¬ mium from collecting as much in the event of loss as one who has insured for a large percentage of value and paid a correspondingly large premium. We have high authority for the principle,
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
and it should be applied to contracts of insurance. Rating systems may come, and rating systems may go; but, unless the principle of co-insurance be recognized and universally applied, there can be no equitable division of the insurance burden, and the existing inequalities will go on forever. The principle is so well established in some countries that the general foreign form of policy issued by the London offices for use therein contains the full co-insurance clause in the printed conditions.
The necessity for co-insurance as an equalizer of rates was quite forcibly illustrated by a prominent underwriter in an ad¬ dress delivered several years ago, in the following example involving two buildings of superior construction:
Value $100,000 Value $100,000
Insurance 80,000 Insurance 10,000
Rate 1% Rate 1%
Premium received— Premium received—
one year, 800 one year, 100
No Co-insurance Clause No Co-insurance Clause
Loss 800 Loss 800
Loss Collectible 800 Loss Collectible 800
“B” pays only one-eighth as much premium as “A,” yet both collect the same amount of loss, and in the absence of co-insurance conditions both would collect the same amount in all instances where the loss is $10,000 or less. Of course, if the loss should exceed $10,000, “A” would reap his reward, and “B” would pay his penalty. This situation clearly calls either for a difference in rate in favor of “A” or for a difference in loss collection as against “B,” and the latter can be regulated only through the medium of a co-insurance condition in the policy.
At this point it may not be amiss incidentally to inquire why the owner of a building which is heavily encumbered, whose policies are payable to a mortgagee (particularly a junior encumbrancer) under a mortgagee clause, and where subrogation may be of little or no value, should have the benefit of the same rate as the owner of another building of similar construction with similar occupancy, but unencum¬ bered.
In some states rates are made with and without co- insurance conditions, quite a material reduction in the basis rate being allowed for the insertion of the 80% clause in the policy, and a further reduction for the use of the 90% and 100% clauses. This, however, does not go far enough, and any variation in rate should be graded according to the co-insurance percentage named in the clause, and this gradation should not be restricted, as it is, to 80%, 90% or 100%, if the principle of equalization is to be maintained.
Various clauses designed to give practical effect to the co-insurance principle have been in use in this country for nearly forty years in connection with fire and other contracts of insurance. Some of these are well adapted to the purpose intended, while others fail to accomplish said purpose under certain conditions; but, fortunately, incidents of this nature are not of frequent occurrence.
There are, generally speaking, four forms, which differ quite materially in phraseology, and sometimes differ in prac¬ tical application. These four clauses are: (1) the old co- insurance clause; (2) the percentage co-insurance clause; (3) the average clause; (4) the reduced rate contribution clause.
Until recently, underwriters were complacently using some of these titles indiscriminately in certain portions of the country, under the assumption that the clauses, although differently phrased, were in effect the same, but they were subjected to quite a rude awakening by a decision which was handed down about a year ago by the Tennessee Court of Civic Appeals. The law in Tennessee permits the use of the three-fourths value clause and the co-insurance clause, but permits no other restrictive provisions. The form in use bore the inscription “Co-insurance Clause,” but the context was the phraseology of the reduced rate contribution clause, and although the result was the same under the operation of either, the court held that the form used was not the co- insurance clause, hence it was void and consequently inop¬ erative. Thompson vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. (Tenn. 1919) 215 S.W. Rep. 932, 55 Ins. Law Journal 122.
The law of Georgia provides that all insurance companies shall pay the full amount of loss sustained up to the amount of insurance expressed in the policy, and that all stipulations in such policies to the contrary shall be null and void. The law further provides that when the insured has several policies on the same property, his recovery from any company will be pro rata as to the amount thereof.
About twenty years ago, the Supreipe Court of Georgia was called upon to decide whether under the law referred to the old co-insurance clause then in use, which provided
“that the assured shall at all times maintain a total insurance upon the property insured by this policy of not less than 75% of the actual cash value thereof . . . . and that failing to do so, the assured shall
become a co-insurer to the extent of the deficiency,”
was valid and enforceable, and it decided that the clause was not violative of the law. Pekor vs. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (1898) (106 Ga. page 1)

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause
The court evidently construed the clause as a binding agreement on the part of the insured to secure insurance up to a certain percentage of value, and virtually held that if the insured himself desired to take the place of another insurance company he was at liberty to do so as one way of fulfilling his agreement.

The Georgia courts, however, have not passed upon the validity of the reduced rate contribution clause in connection with the statutory law above referred to; but it is fair to assume that they will view the matter in the same light as the Tennessee court (supra), and hold that it is not a co-insurance clause, even though it generally produces the same result; that it contains no provision whatever requiring the insured to carry or procure a stated amount of insurance, and in event of failure, to become a co-insurer, but that it is simply a clause placing a limitation upon the insurer’s liability, which is expressly prohibited by statute. The fact that the insurers have labeled it “75% Co-insurance Clause” does not make it such.
It is, therefore, not at all surprising that the question is frequently asked as to the difference between the various forms of so-called co-insurance clauses, and these will be considered in the order in which, chronologically, they came into use.
Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred there is no difference* between these clauses in the results obtained by their application, but cases occasionally arise where ac¬ cording to the generally accepted interpretation the difference will be quite pronounced. This difference, which will be hereinafter considered, appears in connecton with the old co-insurance clause and the percentage co-insurance clause, and only in cases where the policies are nonconcurrent.
The first of the four forms is the old co-insurance clause which for many years was the only one used in the West, and which is used there still, to some extent, and now quite generally in the South. Its reintroduction in the South was probably due to the Tennessee decision, to which reference has been made (supra). This clause provides that the insured shall maintain insurance on the property described in the policy to the extent of at least a stated percentage (usually 80%) of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do, shall to the extent of such deficit bear his, her or their pro¬ portion of any loss. It does not say that he shall maintain insurance on all of the property, and the prevailing opinion is that the co-insurance clause will be complied with if he carries the stipulated percentage of insurance either on all or on any part of the property described, notwithstanding the fact that a portion of said insurance may be of no assist¬ ance whatever to the blanket, or more general policy, as a contributing factor.

Gene Rain Fitgirl Repack

Gene Rain Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Gene Rain Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Gene Rain Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

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Also Read:

How To download and Install Gene Rain

Now to download and Install Gene Rain for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

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Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Gene Rain Review ,Walkthrough and Gameplay

In an oversaturated genre, like third-person shooter it’s always nice to have a new franchise throw Gene Rain fitgirl repack, its hat into the ring and that’s exactly what I just got done playing with a new game jean-rené is now out on Gene Rain free download PC game, but should you be soaking this one up like a nice summer rain or should this one just be wiped from the gaming gene pool jean-Gene Rain igg games is a new third-person cover based shooter from dealey Network a Chinese based developer.The game is very similar as far as its third person shooter designed to the Gears of War franchise in fact almost too similar in some ways the main campaign itself has three playable characters.That play slightly different from one another mostly in that each one has a unique ability and there are a couple of different weapons including also an upgraded weapons system in there that gives a bit of variety to the Gene Rain fitgirl repack.

But overall its kind of lackluster at its best the game story is a bit hard to follow and this is because of just the poor storytelling bad voice-acting inconsistencies and this goes with the subtitles in the game with spacing being off wrong words being used .Even reading the description of this game on the official PlayStation Store.It doesn’t even make much sense there honestly this game is really a mess at times this is actually the second time now I’m doing this review the first time there was an Gene Rain torrent compatibility issue with the PlayStation 4 Pro that wasn’t patched until the day prior to launch because of this it calls my entire game to be an ugly reg giving me a headache my entire Gene Rain fitgirl repack.

I was still able to finish it and did my review but if you saw that original review that’s why, I’m redoing it now with the visuals that actually are the way the games meant to look the thing is now the game looks extremely generic even more generic than it looked before as at least with the horrible color scheme that the HDR glitch caused the game at least had some personality the Gene Rain fitgirl repack itself though is pretty clunky aiming and enemies can be a bit all over the place the auto aim gets in the way I wasn’t able to hit targets.The way I wanted to I would end up aiming at somebody else instead of maybe an explosive barrel near a group of enemies when enemies got too close it was really impossible to try to actually aim and hit them and there’s a lot of enemies that swarm on you and this just made the melee combat that’s included in the game a joke you can actually punch enemies away Gene Rain ocean of games.

But you’re just missing most of the time and it’s very slow the game’s enemies have a little bit of variety .But at the same time you’re gonna be seeing the same ones over and over again you have an AI partner for a lot of the missions in the game but really have much control over them.They have some dialogue usually the same lines of dialogue repeated over and over again throughout the missions and they don’t seem to help at all I don’t know if a single bullet that they fire actually lands and damages any of the enemies you’re fighting and of course I understand AI can’t be too good but this time it just seems like why even have an AI partner if they’re not gonna help at all the game is chapter based with the different chapters having a bit of story usually before and after them and you’ll switch between the different characters though like I said the Gene Rain igg games.

Doesn’t change up a lot usually the only thing that change up is the types of missions you’re doing instead of maybe getting to the end point destroying all the enemies along the way you may have to destroy a certain type of enemy like turrets that are on walls in a certain area thankfully the game’s campaign is relatively short considering it’s so generic and badly told you’ll probably want it over sooner rather than later if you even decide to check out the title one time ago saw things game you can crash .I mean but there was numerous other bugs and glitches throughout whether it be from the audio department the visual department our camera issues with enemies getting too close and being impossible to aim at them there’s just tons of little minor things slowly bring this game down more and more the longer you end up playing it jean-rené is available now on the ps4 MPC for $24.99 .

The Co-insurance Clause

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause

Of the more important clauses in current use, the one most frequently used, most severely criticized, most mis¬ understood, most legislated against, and withal the most reasonable and most equitable, is that which in general terms is known as the “co-insurance clause.”
Insurance is one of the great necessities of our business, social and economic life, and the expense of maintaining it should be distributed among the property owners of the country as equitably as it is humanly possible so to do.
Losses and expenses are paid out of premiums col¬ lected. When a loss is total the penalty for underinsurance falls where it properly belongs, on the insured who has elected to save premium and assume a portion of the risk himself, and the same penalty for underinsurance should by contract be made to apply in case of partial loss as applies automatically in case of total loss.
If all losses were total, liberality on the part of the insured in the payment of premium would bring its own reward, and parsimony would bring its own penalty; but the records of the leading companies show that of all the losses sustained, about 65%—numerically—are less than $100; about 30% are between $100 and total; and about 5% are total. The natural inclination, therefore, on the part of the public, particularly on the less hazardous risks, is to under¬ insure and take the chance of not having a total loss; and this will generally be done except under special conditions, or when reasonably full insurance must be carried to sustain credit or as collateral security for loans. There were several strik¬ ing illustrations of this in the San Francisco conflagration, where the amount of insurance carried on so-called fireproof buildings was less than 10% of their value, and the insured in such instances, of course, paid a heavy penalty for their neglect to carry adequate insurance.
Co-insurance operates only in case of partial loss, where both the insurance carried and the loss sustained are less than the prescribed percentage named in the clause, and has the effect of preventing one who has insured for a small percentage of value and paid a correspondingly small pre¬ mium from collecting as much in the event of loss as one who has insured for a large percentage of value and paid a correspondingly large premium. We have high authority for the principle,
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”
and it should be applied to contracts of insurance. Rating systems may come, and rating systems may go; but, unless the principle of co-insurance be recognized and universally applied, there can be no equitable division of the insurance burden, and the existing inequalities will go on forever. The principle is so well established in some countries that the general foreign form of policy issued by the London offices for use therein contains the full co-insurance clause in the printed conditions.
The necessity for co-insurance as an equalizer of rates was quite forcibly illustrated by a prominent underwriter in an ad¬ dress delivered several years ago, in the following example involving two buildings of superior construction:
Value $100,000 Value $100,000
Insurance 80,000 Insurance 10,000
Rate 1% Rate 1%
Premium received— Premium received—
one year, 800 one year, 100
No Co-insurance Clause No Co-insurance Clause
Loss 800 Loss 800
Loss Collectible 800 Loss Collectible 800
“B” pays only one-eighth as much premium as “A,” yet both collect the same amount of loss, and in the absence of co-insurance conditions both would collect the same amount in all instances where the loss is $10,000 or less. Of course, if the loss should exceed $10,000, “A” would reap his reward, and “B” would pay his penalty. This situation clearly calls either for a difference in rate in favor of “A” or for a difference in loss collection as against “B,” and the latter can be regulated only through the medium of a co-insurance condition in the policy.
At this point it may not be amiss incidentally to inquire why the owner of a building which is heavily encumbered, whose policies are payable to a mortgagee (particularly a junior encumbrancer) under a mortgagee clause, and where subrogation may be of little or no value, should have the benefit of the same rate as the owner of another building of similar construction with similar occupancy, but unencum¬ bered.
In some states rates are made with and without co- insurance conditions, quite a material reduction in the basis rate being allowed for the insertion of the 80% clause in the policy, and a further reduction for the use of the 90% and 100% clauses. This, however, does not go far enough, and any variation in rate should be graded according to the co-insurance percentage named in the clause, and this gradation should not be restricted, as it is, to 80%, 90% or 100%, if the principle of equalization is to be maintained.
Various clauses designed to give practical effect to the co-insurance principle have been in use in this country for nearly forty years in connection with fire and other contracts of insurance. Some of these are well adapted to the purpose intended, while others fail to accomplish said purpose under certain conditions; but, fortunately, incidents of this nature are not of frequent occurrence.
There are, generally speaking, four forms, which differ quite materially in phraseology, and sometimes differ in prac¬ tical application. These four clauses are: (1) the old co- insurance clause; (2) the percentage co-insurance clause; (3) the average clause; (4) the reduced rate contribution clause.
Until recently, underwriters were complacently using some of these titles indiscriminately in certain portions of the country, under the assumption that the clauses, although differently phrased, were in effect the same, but they were subjected to quite a rude awakening by a decision which was handed down about a year ago by the Tennessee Court of Civic Appeals. The law in Tennessee permits the use of the three-fourths value clause and the co-insurance clause, but permits no other restrictive provisions. The form in use bore the inscription “Co-insurance Clause,” but the context was the phraseology of the reduced rate contribution clause, and although the result was the same under the operation of either, the court held that the form used was not the co- insurance clause, hence it was void and consequently inop¬ erative. Thompson vs. Concordia Fire Ins. Co. (Tenn. 1919) 215 S.W. Rep. 932, 55 Ins. Law Journal 122.
The law of Georgia provides that all insurance companies shall pay the full amount of loss sustained up to the amount of insurance expressed in the policy, and that all stipulations in such policies to the contrary shall be null and void. The law further provides that when the insured has several policies on the same property, his recovery from any company will be pro rata as to the amount thereof.
About twenty years ago, the Supreipe Court of Georgia was called upon to decide whether under the law referred to the old co-insurance clause then in use, which provided
“that the assured shall at all times maintain a total insurance upon the property insured by this policy of not less than 75% of the actual cash value thereof . . . . and that failing to do so, the assured shall
become a co-insurer to the extent of the deficiency,”
was valid and enforceable, and it decided that the clause was not violative of the law. Pekor vs. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. (1898) (106 Ga. page 1)

The Co-insurance Clause
The Co-insurance Clause
The court evidently construed the clause as a binding agreement on the part of the insured to secure insurance up to a certain percentage of value, and virtually held that if the insured himself desired to take the place of another insurance company he was at liberty to do so as one way of fulfilling his agreement.

The Georgia courts, however, have not passed upon the validity of the reduced rate contribution clause in connection with the statutory law above referred to; but it is fair to assume that they will view the matter in the same light as the Tennessee court (supra), and hold that it is not a co-insurance clause, even though it generally produces the same result; that it contains no provision whatever requiring the insured to carry or procure a stated amount of insurance, and in event of failure, to become a co-insurer, but that it is simply a clause placing a limitation upon the insurer’s liability, which is expressly prohibited by statute. The fact that the insurers have labeled it “75% Co-insurance Clause” does not make it such.
It is, therefore, not at all surprising that the question is frequently asked as to the difference between the various forms of so-called co-insurance clauses, and these will be considered in the order in which, chronologically, they came into use.
Probably in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred there is no difference* between these clauses in the results obtained by their application, but cases occasionally arise where ac¬ cording to the generally accepted interpretation the difference will be quite pronounced. This difference, which will be hereinafter considered, appears in connecton with the old co-insurance clause and the percentage co-insurance clause, and only in cases where the policies are nonconcurrent.
The first of the four forms is the old co-insurance clause which for many years was the only one used in the West, and which is used there still, to some extent, and now quite generally in the South. Its reintroduction in the South was probably due to the Tennessee decision, to which reference has been made (supra). This clause provides that the insured shall maintain insurance on the property described in the policy to the extent of at least a stated percentage (usually 80%) of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do, shall to the extent of such deficit bear his, her or their pro¬ portion of any loss. It does not say that he shall maintain insurance on all of the property, and the prevailing opinion is that the co-insurance clause will be complied with if he carries the stipulated percentage of insurance either on all or on any part of the property described, notwithstanding the fact that a portion of said insurance may be of no assist¬ ance whatever to the blanket, or more general policy, as a contributing factor.