Genres/Tags: Action, Shooter, Pirate/Privateer, First-person, Third-person, 3D, Mecha
Company: Piranha Games
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI4
Original Size: 21.8 GB
Repack Size: from 12.5 GB [Selective Download]
MechWarrior 5 Fitgirl Repack Download PC Game
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- Filehoster: MultiUpload (10+ hosters, interchangeable) [Use JDownloader2]
- Filehoster: Google Drive (Uploaded by hermietkreeft)
- Filehosters: Google Drive + 8 other (Uploaded by LaRoyal, NOT compatible with other mirrors)
Repack Features
- Based on MechWarrior.5.Mercenaries.JumpShip.Edition-CODEX ISO release: codex-mechwarrior.5.mercenaries.jumpship.edition.iso (23,453,859,840 bytes)
- Game version : v1.1.315 2. DLCs (Heroes of the Inner Sphere and Legend of the Kestrel Lancers) are available and are activated
- Completely Lossless and MD5 Absolutely perfect: all files are identical to the originals after installation
- Absolutely nothing was copied, not a single thing was changed.
- The feature of Selective Download: You can not download intro videos in four languages, background videos for credits, Xbox tutorial videos and extra content (3 Soundtracks as well as a Technical Manual and Wallpapers)
- A significantly smaller size archive (compressed between 21.8 up to 12.5~14.6 GB, based on the components you choose)
- Installation takes between 7 and 20 minutes (depending on the system you have installed and other components)
- Check for integrity after-installation so you can be sure everything is installed correctly
- HDD storage after installing Up to 47 GB of space on the HDD after installation (52 GB after installation)
- The language can be altered in game settings.
- Repack makes use of the XTool library provided by Razor12911.
- A minimum of 2 GB of memory (inc. the virtual) needed to install this Repack
Game Description:
An World of Destruction – Level entire cities and destroy forces of the enemy while piloting hundreds unique BattleMech variations.
Explore the Truth – Follow the path of interstellar intrigue in the pursuit of honor and revenge while you are the head of a mercenary corporation that is reborn in the ashes of destruction.
Achieve the Merc Life – Manage the complicated aspects of running an expanding business that specializes in mercenaries, from maintenance and purchase of BattleMechs and the hiring of MechWarriors from other companies.
Fight Together – Battle alongside your buddies by allowing four players to play PvE together.
Troublshooting MechWarrior 5 Fitgirl Repack Download
Also Read:
The Fire Insurance Policy as a Contract

William N. Bament, General Adjuster The Home Insurance Company, New York
The seal used by the Insurance Department of the State of New York for many years contained the following in¬ scription: “Alter alterius onera portate ”—“Bear ye one another’s burdens,” and it would be difficult to conceive of a more highly appropriate motto for such a department, or a more felicitous expression with which to symbolize the underlying principle of insurance.
According to the authorities, insurance was originally held to be in effect nothing but a mere wager, and it was a matter of grave doubt whether as a principle of ethics it should be allowed, but for many years it has been regarded as the handmaid of commerce and an absolute business neces¬ sity, the gambling element being eliminated or reduced to a minimum by the fact that in order to support a valid contract the party insured must have an insurable interest in the subject thereof.
It is undoubtedly true that in the early part of the eighteenth century, in addition to the regular business of insurance, wagering contracts were issued both in England and on the Continent, covering almost every conceivable subject or event, but about the middle of the same century the issuing of wagering policies was prohibited by statute and Lord Mansfield, who may justly be regarded as the father of insurance law, rendered his famous decision making an insurable interest the basis of the contract. This put an end to the demoralizing practice and paved the way for the marvelous development of legitimate insurances, and placed the business upon the high plane where it now rests and where it is universally regarded as one of the bulwarks of our mercantile, industrial and social life.
The oldest form of insurance is marine, which was doubtless in vogue among the ancients, but did not assume anything approaching its present form until the twelfth or thirteenth century, when it was taken up by the Lombards who resided in Northern Italy. They had branches in all the important cities of Europe and some of them settled in London, and Lombard Street, London, which takes its name from them, became in time the great marine underwriting center of the world.
It was not, however, until the great London conflagra¬ tion of 1666, that people awoke to a realization of the great danger of loss by fire, and it was not until thirty years later that anything except sporadic efforts were made toward placing fire insurance upon a firm basis, but during the past two centuries it has steadily grown in public favor and is now by far the most popular of all the various departments of insurance.
Contracts of insurance, although they may be by parol, are almost universally reduced to writing in an instrument called the “policy,” which word is most probably of Italian derivation and signifies a promise or a note or memorandum in writing.
In addition to the necessity of an insurable interest, there are a number of other elements essential to a legitimate contract of insurance; it is primarily a contract of indemnity; it requires the utmost good faith on the part of all parties thereto; there must be a risk which may result in a real loss which neither party has the power to avert or hasten, and it is incumbent upon the insured to communicate to the insurer all facts material to the risk.
In order to constitute an insurable interest, the insured must be so circumstanced with respect to the property subject to loss or damage by fire, that he may be benefited by its safety or prejudiced by its destruction, and this includes a great variety of relations.
The following interests may be mentioned as insurable: An owner, in whole or in part, of the property; a vendor and vendee under an executory contract of sale; a mortgagee; a remainderman; a lessee in improvements to the building or land or in his profit on the lease, or one who has obligated himself to restore the property or to pay rent; a landlord in the rents or rental value of the property; a warehouseman or bailee in advances or charges, or on his assumed liability ; a common carrier on its liability; an owner in his profits ; a merchant or manufacturer in the use and occupancy of his store or plant. A right to future possession, or a future interest, no matter how improbable its attainment, will support an insurable interest, whereas a mere expectancy, no matter how probable its realization, will not, although recent decisions by certain courts in this country seem to indicate some de¬ parture from this time-honored priniciple.
A policy of insurance is an aleatory contract in the sense that it embodies the element of chance and is contingent upon some event which may or may not occur. It is a reciprocal contract in that it involves mutual obligations.

It is a voluntary contract whether it be a form prescribed by the state or not, and when issued by the insurer and accepted by the insured, both are bound by its provisions. It is a personal contract and does not’follow the property nor pass with the title unless assigned with the consent of the insurer. The personal nature of the contract becomes increasingly evident when it is realized that it is not property as such which is insured, but the individual, although the words “property insured” by reason of continuous use, have become an insurance idiom. It is a conditional contract and its validity depends upon its conditions being complied with. This is necessarily so for the reason that for a com¬ paratively small consideration, the insurer may be called upon to pay a large amount, and because the contract is designed to cover every conceivable class of property and protect virtually every interest known to the commercial world.
The policy must protect the insurer against material misrepresentation, abandonment of property, over-insurance, over-loading of buildings, extravagant claims, increase in risk and moral hazard, both before and after a loss, for inasmuch as many fires are welcomed if not desired, if a moral hazard does not exist before, it not infrequently develops after a loss has occurred. It is on this account and because insurance companies deal with all sorts and conditions of men that the standard policy in current use, contains provisions exempting the insurer from liability for any one of a dozen or more sins of commission on the part of the insured, and for any one of an equal number of sins of omission, and provides that the company shall not be liable for loss caused in a dozen different ways, nor for loss on eight classes of property under any circumstances, nor for loss on about a score of others unless liability is specifically assumed thereon. For¬ tunately for the public, insurance companies do not always stand upon their technical rights, but on the contrary, are disposed to view all meritorious claims in a spirit of the broadest liberality. It is doubtful if one person in a thousand ever reads his policy, especially the printed conditions, but it is not the only well-known piece of literature relating to protection from fire, that people ought to read but do not.
The adoption of a standard fire policy by the State of New York in 1886, marked a great advance in the insurance contract. The ornate policies in use prior to that time, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of haz¬ ards, which few could understand, and their fine print, which no one not possessing unusually acute vision could read, gave way to the plainly printed uniform policy, which materially simplified conditions, which was adopted either verbatim or with slight modifications by other states, so that it is probably safe to say that for the past thirty years, fully seventy-five per cent of all the policies issued, outside of the states having standard policies of their own, have been the New York Standard. Although this has not resulted in uniformity of decisions, it has had the effect of materially restricting litigation and has been of incalculable benefit both to the insurer and the insured. A new standard policy is to go into effect in New York January 1, 1918. It has already been adopted by several states and will no doubt be by others in the not dis¬ tant future. From time immemorial it has been the uniform practice of the courts to construe the insurance contract most liberally in favor of the insured as against the insurer in accordance with the general rule that the contract should be construed most strictly against the one by whom it is pre¬ pared. The standardizing of the policy by the legislatures of the various states has neutralized this tendency to some extent, but the courts can safely be relied upon to prevent forfeiture if it can be done without undue violence to the plain intent of the contract.
Insurance companies are not inclined to resist the pay¬ ment of claims, but on the contrary, they sometimes approach the extreme limit of propriety, generosity and good morals, in their efforts to avoid litigation. This is evidenced by the fact that of all the losses which occur, probably not more than one-fifth of one per cent become the subject of litigation, and one-half of these are settled before the cases come to trial. To put it another way, out of all the policies issued, the courts are not called upon to adjudicate claims under more than one out of every thirty thousand, which may be regarded as quite a favorable commentary upon the mutual fainnindedness of the companies and the insuring public.
Too great emphasis cannot be laid upon the contractual nature of the policy. By accepting it the insured, in the absence of mutual error, which, of course, can be corrected, becomes bound by all the descriptions, representations, war¬ ranties and conditions, written or printed, contained therein. Every property owner should read his policy, the written portion, in order to see that everything he desires covered is mentioned therein, and that the description, location, amount and dates are correct; and the printed portion, in order to obtain information with regard to his duties and obligations. He should comply with all conditions of the contract and be in a position, when a loss occurs, to demand as a right, and not to receive as a matter of grace, payment from the insurer.