Tag Archives: Fit girl Repack

GUN GODZ Fitgirl Repack Free Download

GUN GODZ Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

GUN GODZ Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install GUN GODZ Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download GUN GODZ Fit girl repack  is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download GUN GODZ igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

GUN GODZ for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Everreach Project Eden on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install GUN GODZ

Now to download and Install GUN GODZ for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download GUN GODZ on your PC.You can find the download button at the top of the post.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

GUN GODZ Game play and Walk through 2019

Now let’s talk about the game play and walk thorough of GUN GODZ Free download PC game down below.

Today we’re gonna be checking out GUN GODZ igg games a free downloadable game from a developer GUN GODZ ocean of games, who you might know from such awesome games of super crate box or maybe ridiculous fishing among others it is a first-person shooter just in the more more pure old-school sense sort of like a Wolfenstein 3d style GUN GODZ torrent download game.The premise is that we’re going to be doing some first-person shooting to do with venusian wrap I suppose that’s at least the you know rap on Venus has something to do with it and there’s some sort of maybe Illuminati conspiracy going on or I’m not exactly sure if this game is a freaking awesome.

Soundtrack is extremely fun to play and is just really quite accessible so for anybody out there who’s enjoyed a few first-person shooters in the you know the more old-school or pure form I think you’re gonna get a kick out of this one I certainly did and I did spend probably about a half an hour with it already just to get sort of accustomed to what was going on and so we’re actually gonna be going through some levels I’ve already played this is not exactly my typical India impression style but in this game it was sort of necessary for a reason. I won’t get into so let us jump into uses our level select screen here as you can see the structure is such that there are four chapters and each one of GUN GODZ repack download .

Them is made up of three levels and a challenge level and if you unlock enough of the pyramids or triangles or whatever recalling them by finding secrets and speed running through the level you unlock the challenge at the end so I’ve only gotten that for the first chapter and there’s one of those for each one of those going down and I believe each chapter unlocks a new weapon but I think I’ve gotten all of them by this chapter so I don’t know anyway we’re gonna start from the beginning run through it, and I will do my best to not try and talk over the entire amazing soundtracks you can maybe hear a little bit of it but unfortunately it’s not gonna happen on the title screen so I will catch you in the first level all right so here we go we’ve escaped from jail and we are armed with only our pistol and a knife which I don’t know if that’s the pistol turning into the knife we’re I guess we’re just pulling out our butterfly knife on the fly and you can tell pretty quickly there is not any kind of mouse look you know we’re only operating like I said in a sort of GUN GODZ fitgirl repacks download sense.

Where we can only look around in a circular fashion controls are very responsive as you would imagine given you know so few things going on there’s no reload or anything it’s just strictly fire your gun and move that’s really all you got to worry about. You can of course change weapons too but I don’t have any other weapons right now so all I have is my knife at this point and I will do my best to you try to requisition something better and keep my eyes open for secrets which happens you usually come in the form of secret doors and let’s just knife all these guys if we can it’s not as easy as it might seems they move around a whole bunch I don’t know what exactly they are there’s some sort of wacky creatures with done some prison guards or something and there’s the the captain prison guard who usually has a shotgun I believe and I just want to go ahead and go back for a second just make sure I didn’t miss out on any secret walls or anything because unlike in Wolfenstein.

GUN GODZ pc download and where you can like push the walls around and this one usually just walk straight through them so I want to also make sure I get as much ammo as possible and doesn’t seem like I really missed anything so things start out pretty simple you know as would often be the case in most first-person shooters there are only a handful of enemies I things certainly do escalate and I’ve actually even encountered a boss there might be actually more than one boss we will maybe see about that and that was the end of the first level my time was not especially great I didn’t really run through that with much haste so I only ended up getting one pyramid there and even get all the items so I guess I missed a bunch of stuff so on we go to level 2 or we instantly are awarded.

A double-barrel super shotgun from doom 2 essentially I believe that might actually be the sprite from it but I don’t know 100% just looked very much like it with some of the like the the colors dithered a bit there is one thing I want to mention that’s the firing of the guns and this feels like really good for whatever reason it’s really punchy and its really responsive and that goes a long way to making a game like this be extremely playable I didn’t need to shoot that guy but I did some big jerk so you know I mean if any of you developers out there are watching and want to make a first-person shooter Vlambeer did a lot of things right when it comes to this one and even though it’s very simplistic it still has a good degree of you know entertainment value just coming from the fact that you know it’s so playable it just feels good you know people talk about game feel I think this one has it you know you don’t need especially amazing graphics if you’ve got a game that just feels right and I think that is the case here so let us continue on and see if we can find our way out of this next to jail level.

That was all on GUN GODZ fitgirl repack free download PC game if you have any questions related to this awesome topic the feel free to ask down in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Astaria Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Astaria Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Astaria Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Astaria Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Astaria Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Astaria igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Astaria for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Astaria on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Astaria

Now to download and Install Astaria for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Astaria on your PC.Now to download this awesome game scroll down and then click on the download.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Astaria Game Play And Walk Through

Now this section of the belongs to game Play And Walk Through of Astaria .This is one of the best game of 2019 and System Requirements for this game are easy but first let’s jump into the game.

Today we are looking at a small indie game  which is called Astaria free download PC game this game is in early access ,that was released literally a few days ago at the time of this recording I want to give my first impressions of the game because I do think it deserves some exposure the game is called reign of Darkness which sounds like a My Chemical Romance song but it’s anything but the game is gritty atmospheric hardcore in definitely old school so let’s find out if you should give reign of darkness your time.

So I need to preface this video by restating the fact that this game is in early access which means tons of features are not implemented yet and a lot of the Astaria download are there going to be buggy or not working completely it also means that the game is probably going to be changing all the time so if you’re used to one play style it might change in the future it also means that the community is also going to be rather small so don’t expect there to be thousands and thousands of players on the game at least just yet wink wink all right you got it good let’s get into it rain of darkness is best described currently as a sandbox MMORPG ,where you create a character choose how you want to set up your class structure and then just kind of go out and explore really that’s it currently character creation is pretty bare-bones featuring only one race being the human with more to come in the Astaria igg games.

At least that’s what it looks like being able to create either male or female and then obviously picking a name for your character if you thought the login screen looked pretty dreary and dark then yeah that’s kind of the idea rain of Darkness is setting and themes, take place during the Black Plague more specifically 1348 a.d at least that’s what the steam page says because you know I can read the game currently has a large open world to explore with absolutely no hand-holding 8th class skill sets to choose from with you being able to mix between three of them creating your own unique play style similar to our cage a randomly generated equipment loot system in which equipment will always have randomly generated stats to make loot feel new and exciting every time you get items kind of like Astaria ocean of games large open world bosses group dungeons some PvP elements like dueling and open world.

Astaria torrent download quests and a somewhat basic crafting system using an item you acquire called the philosopher’s stone that allows you to transmit and create items using materials you get from enemies for the game being in early access there’s surprisingly a lot of depth to the game it takes some of the best features of other Astaria repack download and mixes them into a nice little Bowl as stated it has the loot system of Diablo gameplay.

That reminds me of old-school World of Warcraft and Astaria fitgirl repack open-ended gameplay of older titles in the genre a class system like our cage equipment enhancement like Korean. Astaria skidrow a transmog system and instance done like current theme-park Astaria ova games .Other features to come would be things like npc party members for solo play dragon mounts jim controlled enemies for dynamic events which actually sounds pretty interesting races armors areas pets graphics etc etc for a game that is being developed by only one person that’s pretty amazing in my book and with what is here I can happily say it’s pretty fun I’ll bite it is really simple with only questing and killing monsters being really the only activities to take part in currently diving into some of the other features the current classes or skill sets in rain of Darkness are the archer wraiths which is like a Dark Knight barbarian priest paladin shaman sorcerer and the necromancer you start the game with 10 skill points to spend into any of the classes.Then gain 2 points every time you level up skills have a maximum rank of 10 and to get further into the skill trees you have to spend a certain amount of points into the class this allows you to Astaria pc download tons of different builds and synergies which is pretty freakin awesome in my opinion next is stat customization unlike other download Astaria free rain allows you to choose where your stat points go upon leveling up giving you 10 ability points per level.

That was all on Astaria Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game .If you have any questions related to this awesome game then feel free to ask down below in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

GTFO Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

GTFO Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

GTFO Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install GTFO Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download GTFO Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download GTFO igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

GTFO for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download GTFO on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install GTFO

Now to download and Install GTFO for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download GTFO on your PC.Now to download this awesome game scroll down and then click on the download.
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

GTFO Game Play and Walk Through

Now In this section of the article we will discuss GTFO Game Play and Walk Through so let’s go ahead and talk about this awesome game.

Another new game for the GTFO free download PC game and a whole different angle welcome to GTFO download .I must say that i normally wouldn’t touch again that is anything even towards horror or clearly even stealth categories after seeing a small amount of footage of GTFO igg games , i was intrigued was it going to be a bit like a creepy World War Z or maybe a little bit left for dead well the truth is not really something different and it’s something pretty unique this is a game about coordination and working as a team munication is pivotal the idea of playing this with a bunch of random people and match-made lobby does not sound like a good time at all the gameplay GTFO of the Alpha was essentially an avoid them up with set objectives for the mission.

You need to locate a particular item which is hidden somewhere in the map but to get there you need to know where it is so using a command line computer terminal yes you have to actually type out the text into the terminal it’s surprisingly enjoyable to do you can query the location of objects if you know their name all the way to your objectives you’re gonna meet some of the residents of this unknown industrial area take care there are monsters in the shadows your first time playing is a learning curve like any other game you spawn in with some weapons you sled it beforehand so why not use them on the monsters you see in that first room right of course well this is a game also about resources ammo tools and especially health are in short supply the monsters themselves are rudimentary beasts they’re often asleep or unaware and you spend a significant amount of energy trying to keep them that way most are sleeping will only wake if you get too close happen to use your flashlight on them or most dangerously move while they are making their heartbeats .Once they are alerted they also Alert nearby monsters and your world will change from slow and steady creeping to panic running almost in an instance you need to kill them and quickly it’s easy to become overwhelmed these guys do a lot of damage this punishment for lack of coordination or stealth ever served feels contrived though, it’s not like some nonsense mechanic it feels true to the world in fact there’s a real sense of enjoyment and achievement from clearing areas properly and just quick aside to say if you are enjoying this GTFO ocean of games and you can also download this awesome game from GTFO ocean of games.

If you choose to do that then thanks it really is appreciated the environment is interesting in a abandoned industrial complex sort of way but the single map in the Alpha doesn’t show much variation on that theme in fact you can imagine that the actual set dressing of the rooms isn’t that detailed compared to other modern titles yet the games use of very dark areas I’ll say that’s for legitimate GTFO torrent download and the reasons in conjunction with some nicely thought out contrasted lighting helps create a real sense of atmosphere and place also doing its relative lack of details and favors the style is interesting too wasn’t almost old technology feel to the world the main game interface is slightly ghosted like an old CRT monitor that’s been left on too long the edges of the screen warp and glitched like equipment.

That seen better days it’s all nicely judged and plays into a sort of creeping sense of not quite knowing where this world is set this was very much an alpha belt of the game a single map like I said a bunch of bugs don’t unnaturally that game Breaking and some performance that I would guess was somewhere between medium to bad it’s pretty alpha though indeed they have an optimization pass scheduled for during their beta what’s most important is that the core GTFO repack download feels compelling and enjoyable addition of tools don’t you deal with the inevitable waves of monsters that are drawn to you at times during the map really helps with the depth of the game the bio meter is like the motion sensor from aliens allowing you to see through walls and the Cape those threats places GTFO requirements on the people playing to describe what they’re seeing.

Other teammates so that some sort of plan can be sort of formulated this is actually really great co-op it’s giving information to one team member then creating a need for them to accurately describe it to others it’s pretty nice design there are sentry turrets that prove invaluable for dealing with those waves of enemies but do take care to be standing on the non dangerous side when they start firing can give you that advice firsthand glue guns as welcomed he used to slow down monsters or help reinforce doors allowing you time to complete some of the more mechanic heavy unlock procedures that some of the doors in the game needed to perform oh no it’s not the jump-scare game that I thought it would be it’s something although GTFO fitgirl repack by tension is much deeper and even if this alpha stage delivers more non horror fans than I guess they would like I said though it’s not all there yet there are some core things.

I would say would need looking at top of that list for me is weapon handling there’s a clumsiness or an awkwardness to them at the moment many also lack a sense of weight that they really need especially as these are frequently huge din high tension situations they need to fuel like a powerful last resort and at the moment many don’t give you that feedback at all there’s some bad idea set up there too that’s probably more on the it’s alpha site but if you break a deist toggle by sprinting or some other action and you really don’t want it to snap back into 80s when you start moving it’s rather irritating and given the situation when you are using weapons it’s pretty panic inducing – there are a lot of unknowns about GTFO there’s a road map on their site and of course link that in the description it’s not an exhaustive list wanting an exact release date at this point feels pretty premature as far as why now we don’t even have a rough time frame that the devs are looking at perhaps even more important is of course price the devs have said that gtfo will cost less than $59 99 which I guess is reassuring in a way I don’t know how much content will be in the final game I’m the maps it’ll ship with howdy weapons what sort of unlocks do be but given that they’ve said that they’re a development team of fewer than 10 people they wouldn’t expect thousands of cosmetic unlocks they have said though that we are committed to not having any micro transactions in gtfo and the continuous updates to the game will be completely free however we do need to put food on the table so if planned business models do not work out as planned we may add some cosmetic support the devs type GTFO DLC.

There will never be any pay to win or a shitty loot box type microtransactions in GTFO skidrow  which is all certainly nice to hear i think they’ve given the hardcore core focus of the game that pricing will make or break this title it’s not selling to one person at a time on this game selling to that person and all their friends at once playing this game with people that I don’t know sounds like a stressy nightmare over time it needs people that you already communicate with to be the foundation that it then rests on that they don’t want it to be an almost $60 game is good but I’m not sure that I at least at the moment see this even as a $40 game.

That was all on GTFO Fitgirl repack free download PC game if you have any questions related to this topic then feel free to ask down below in the comment section.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

Ashen Fitgirl Repack

Ashen Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game

Ashen Fitgirl Repack Free Download PC Game final version or you can say the latest update is released for PC.And the best this about this DLC is that it’s free to download.In this Tutorial we will show you how to download and Install Ashen Torrent for free.Before you download and install this awesome game on your computer note that this game is highly compressed and is the repack version of this game.

Download Ashen Fit girl repack is a free to play game.Yes you can get this game for free.Now there are different website from which you can download Ashen igg games and ocean of games are the two most popular websites.Also ova games and the skidrow reloaded also provide you to download this awesome game.

Ashen for Android and iOS?

Yes you can download Ashen on your Android and iOS platform and again they are also free to download.

Also Read:

How To download and Install Ashen

Now to download and Install Ashen for free on your PC you have to follow below given steps.If there is a problem then you can comment down below in the comment section we will love to help you on this.

  1. First you have to download Ashen on your PC.(You will find the download link at the top of the post)
  2. Now the download page will open.There you have to login .Once you login the download process will starts automatically.
  3. If you are unable to download this game then make sure you have deactivated your Ad blocker.Other wise you will not be able to download this game on to your PC.
  4. Now if you want to watch game Installation video and Trouble shooting tutorial then head over to the next section.


Screenshots  (Tap To Enlarge)

 Now if you are interested in the screen shots then tap down on the picture to enlarge them.

Ashen Game Play And Walkthrough

Now let me give you Ashen Game Play And Walkthrough  down below.

Let’s play for Ashen free download PC game and this is a Ashen download that I actually had a chance to go hands-on with about a year and a half ago at the Microsoft event at e3 really enjoy but I played then and it kind of just vanished off the radar you know there weren’t really any announcements about it I hadn’t heard anything about it and then lo and behold the game Awards came along and they were like hey look what we’re releasing.Right now go check it out in our store so it definitely kind of came out of nowhere but I’m glad it’s finally here especially because December is looking to be a slow month so this is going to be an absolutely fantastic journey to sink our teeth into from what I’ve heard this is probably the best souls like that’s been created in quite a while it’s very faithful if you will and kind of a homage to souls in its design and its approach to the game but very much with its own identity so I’m quite excited to jump into this another.

Ashen Fitgirl Repack

I thing I want to touch on is I actually just got added into the epic creator program so if you decide you want to buy ashen or Hades or any of the games in the epic store you can type in creator code fighting cowboy and I would get a little bit of support out of that in addition I’ll have a link directly to ashen down the description below that already hyperlinks via my Creator code and all that goodness but let’s get this started so I’ve gone ahead and booted the game up initially I went ahead and checked audio levels check controls subtitles all that Ashen pc download.So I don’t have to worry about it here if you guys want the audio increased a little bit feel free to let me know them and upload this first episode wait to get some feedback from you guys on that and then we’ll continue this series from there but I’m super excited to jump into this so let’s get this party started I’m with my bro my only complaint about this game is the the facial hair super weak here man this this is the closest thing to a beard where you have this thing like why is there there’s no good beard so we’re gonna go with a mustache mustache man pasty mustache man name is moustachio,among the stars the ashen fly beneath the nine realms move among the tree of worlds many branches loudly standing upon the darkness its roots delving into caverns where light will never venture it was when a single great passion flew down to rest upon that the light walk after eons the great passion grew weak with age and fell from the tree of worlds resting upon the plains of darkness drawing Brett’s remained in the throes of death the light dimmed and the ashes final three breaths became the three golden ages of light.

Ashen Fitgirl Repack

The first age saw three creatures of the dark Plains rise above all others feared upon the light and arrived the second marked the coming of the listener matriarchs Titans who revered the light the third breath was the age of man Giffen’s children when the final breath ended there would be a time of darkness in that black age the cities of man fell into ruin toppled by war and emptied by pestilence and famine proud laugh iris drowned beneath the earth pretty good story like in the plot from dust to flesh from darkness to radiance soon the ashen will be reborn from the ruins of its old body and a new age of light will begin I served at the ashen long ago a guardian to its waning light even though it broke me with its brilliance now look to the mountain peak for that is where fresh hope boons you.
Ashen fitgirl repack is reborn behold the first glimmer of the light that will sweep the darkness from these blades don’t here is Mustafa this is uh this is my dad who Stassi uh senior so just in terms of getting this thing up and running I did play through a little bit of it as I mentioned just basically this starter area you have a very early beginning area right here to just kind of get a feel for the controls so I went ahead and play through that found a couple goodies there’s like a bone spear a hatchet but this is very much going to be a let’s play obviously this one portion isn’t blind but the the intent here is this is going to be a blind Ashen playthrough depending on how much I like it or how much I feel there’s a need for it I may do a hundred percents now walk through after the fact but if that happens that happens you know.
Ashen ocean of games I don’t want to guarantee it’s gonna happen because you know some games I love but they don’t need it thick neo for example you know just because of the the nature of the Aleut system it didn’t make sense to do a walk through and hence we only have the let’s play for anyway you do want to get that white ashen feather for show get that stamina there’s usually a guy right here I think he fell off – bunnies – bunny is fast but it cannot escape me yeah what sitting on the bunny just disappears into hash no loot from the bunny I’m just a murderer do you feel Ashen igg games me rock.
Ashen torrent download, I don’t know if anything happens so we’re killing these people but you leave this area in a second so don’t think it matters put out your fire too old corpses can lay here try to remember was there anything else in the start area yes this there Apple cricket all right and we are ready to get this journey going so let’s go there are those that thrive in perpetual night and would extinguish these fledgling rays we must find the ashen and protect it from the elder dark you and there was this thingy and here we are what a sight our world once more bathed in ashen light you have felt the power of the ashen and survived we will need that strength of yours the ashen is still a sleeping child vulnerable we must wake it from its slumber before we begin our journey we must find your spirit to a ritual stone if misadventure takes you the stone will act as a beacon from beyond deaths veil there’s a ritual stone nearby in the district called Ashen repack, wrists but I will need my hammer and spark to awaken it you must find them.
Alright let’s do it Ashen fitgirl repack spark I’m sure I want to go too deep in an area called hollow bones but uh oh we can maybe we’ll just grab the yeah let’s grab these spheres and get out of here I’ll see those out there before oh I’ll take yelling all right where are we going what’s what’s your name they gave you a name Durrell a Turan fine batter ends hammer and spark one off to the left one straight ahead [Music] nice job jor-el damn you thought. Oh manly Spears didn’t work but I do have a 16 of them so I probably shouldn’t be using up for too many of them save them for like boss encounters or something and I gotta find a ladder something to take care of this lady you’re still alive oh don’t for some Perry because you have it’s a it’s listed as a shield bash but, I wonder if it Perry’s or not let’s find out I’m thinking it may just be a bash because the timing on that is quite long but maybe I don’t know it’s hard to say need to basically time it up for as the sky attacks plunging yes this plunges so we can plunge for big damage over here whooping ass and that looks like a boss man he’s candy I’ll take that sounds good I’m liking this so far this this does it feels very much like Dark Souls.
 That was all on Ashen fitgirl repack free download PC game.If you have any questions related to this topic then feel free to ask down below in the comment section,

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging

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Seven secrets for scripting for love attracting your perfect lover igg games or soulmate attracting a specific person into your life using the power of scripting.
Today we are soaring high like a big beautiful eagle we’re flying in the direction of your dreams and your goals and that’s what our PerfectLover ocean of games is all about it’s about your dreams and your goals manifested.So be sure and PerfectLover torrent download because we’re here five days a week to empower your life with the latest in the mind technology ancient wisdom and of course the law of attraction so today we are talking about scripting and scripting for love .
I think PerfectLover repack is one of the most powerful ways that you can change your life and bring the love that you deserve and desire into your life scripting is extremely powerful because remember about 90% of your mind is subconscious so when you script you are taking what you desire and you are sending it back into your subconscious mind through a number of different methods first because it’s tactile you’re using a pen and paper we don’t use the computer or the laptop or the iPhone to script we write it out by hand and so you’re using your nervous system and you’re also creating you’re also using your imagination you’re allowing your imagination to run wild with some of the most beautiful pictures of the life that you truly desire.That ends up seeping back matriculating back into the subconscious mind remember your subconscious mind is where you do most of your manifest Steve it’s where you do most of your attracting high fliers I’ve used scripting for many many years I’ve got tons of notebooks and scripting is so important I have one notebook and I have it on my PerfectLover fitgirl repacks and I said well you know I I scraped it in this notebook and I didn’t finish it but I wrote everything that I wanted and it all manifested bigger and better than expected and now I’m afraid to put the notebook away because just having it there reminds me that I have manifested.
What I desired through scripting and you can too it’s very easy but there’s some techniques you probably won’t hear about on other other channels that I’ve developed that I think make it even more powerful more intense and more effective first off understand that when we script we want to take three angles three different angles to our point number one we want to script what we desire to be what do you desire to be you see if it’s only about I want then don’t bother scripting because all you’re doing is sending out a message to the universe that you are in a state of lack and that you desire more lack into your life but when you script from a position of what do I desire to become let’s say that you are attracting love into your life that’s your goal that’s what you desire what kind of person attracts love what kind of person attracts the kind of PerfectLover ova games that you desire what do you need to know.
What do you need to become? are you are you in PerfectLover PC download do you eat clean foods .I mean do you have an education or do you have specific knowledge are you attracting the kind of abundance and money you deserve and desire that might aid you what do you desire to become because I think that’s first and foremost what you desire to become attracts what you end up attracting.If you’re only about just getting something and not becoming something there’s no reciprocity and scripting and manifesting is always about reciprocity giving and receiving what do you desire to do with your life what do you desire to do with your love affair what do you desire to do with your relationship what are the two of you going to do together that’s very important.
What are the two of you going to do together and number three what do you desire to have in your life what kind of person do you desire to have do you just want to save the old relationship or do you want something new and exciting and exhilarating are you open to even something better are you attracting just anyone because you’re lonely or are you attracting your twin flame your love mate your soulmate someone that really cares about you that goes to bed at night thinking about you and how they can help improve your life and you do the same for them what is it that you desire to have in a relationship what do you PerfectLover skidrow to be in the relationship.OR in the love affair what you desire to do in the love affair together and what do you desire to have in the love affair these are three important questions you are constantly asking yourself as you are scripting now one of my secrets high flyers is that when I script and I think I’ve mentioned this before we just don’t grab some old piece of paper an old notebook or something like that we actually take the time to get a nice notebook this one here happens to be a really nice leather I like it and it has a really good paper in it.

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I also use a special pen when I script and this is important because it tells my subconscious mind remember this is all about reshaping and re shifting your subconscious mind so that you connect deeper with the infinite field of potential and attract what you desire so while I am tempted to use this beautiful cross pen throughout the day I never do I only use it with this book I have one other as well but I only use it with this book and with scripting this is my scripting pen so my subconscious mind is in PerfectLover Fitgirl we call it anchoring it’s anchored when I put this pen right here my my subconscious mind opens up and my creative mind begins creating I just come up with all kinds of beautiful ideas and thoughts and expressions and emotions these are big secrets they haven’t told you this before have they there’s a third one you light a white candle so you sit at your desk you lie on your bed.If you have a candle next to you and when you light that candle and that candle is only used when you’re scripting why again what does a candle represent it represents illumination it represents brilliance it represents light it represents higher vibration so by having a special notebook ace I shall pen and a white candle burning .
Next to you while you are scripting it just opens you up to your highest creative force and I’m telling you your scripting will get better but it will also manifest faster now high flyers let’s get into my seven secrets for successful scripting to attract love in your life the love that you truly deserve and desire number one right in present tense so when you script about you in the future in the future with your lover you’re gonna write it as if it’s present tense as if it is happening right now because remember the universe doesn’t match what you want the universe matches what you are that’s why present tense writing is so important number two no limits absolutely PerfectLover black box repack.

Wrapping up PerfectLover Fitgirl

 Okay so that was all on PerfectLover Fitgirl Repack free download PC game if you have any questions related to this awesome topic then comment down below in the comment section.Also if have any question then you can DM us on Facebook.

The Insurance Society of New York

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

The subject of insurance forms is such an exceedingly broad one, that it will be impossible in an address such as this to do more than touch upon it in a general way, and direct attention to some of the more important forms, which, although in general use, may possess features which are not fully understood.
The best form, whether viewed from the standpoint of the insurance company or the insured, is a fair form, one which expresses in clear, unambiguous language the mutual intention of the parties, and affords no cause for surprise on the part of either, after a loss has occurred. But the prepara¬ tion of such a form is not always an easy task, and it is right at this point that the ability of the broker and the underwriter come into play.
A distinguished Englishman declared that the English Constitution was the greatest production that had ever been conceived by the brain of man, but it was subjected to the most scathing criticism and violent assaults by Bentham, the great subversive critic of English law. Twenty-five years ago the New York Standard Policy was prepared by the best legal and lay talent in the insurance, world, and the greatest care was taken to present not only a reasonable and fair form of contract between the insurer and the insured, but one which could be easily read and understood.
While no such extravagant claims have been made for the Standard Policy as were made for the “Matchless Con-maximum of loss collection with a minimum of co-insurance or other resistance than a present day broker, he has not yet been discovered.
The ornate policies in use thirty years ago, with no uniformity in conditions, with their classification of hazards which no one could understand and their fine print which few could read, have given way to plainly printed uniform Standard Policies with materially simplified conditions. But the written portion of the insurance contract owing to our commercial and industrial growth, instead of becoming more simple, has taken exactly the opposite direction, and we now have covering under a single policy or set of policies, the entire property of a coal and mining company, the breweries, public service or traction lines of a whole city and the fixed property, rolling stock and common carrier liability of an entire railroad system involving millions of dollars and con¬ taining items numbering into the thousands. This forcibly illustrates the evolution of the policy form since the issue of the first fire insurance contract by an American company one hundred and sixty years ago, in favor of a gentleman bearing the familiar name of John Smith, covering
“500 £ on his dwelling house on the east side of King Street, between Mulberry and Sassafras, 30 feet front, 40 feet deep, brick, 9-inch party walls, three stories in height, plas¬ tered partitions, open newel bracket stairs, pent houses with board ceilings, garrets finished, three stories, painted brick kitchen, two stories in height, 15 feet 9 inches front, 19 feet 6 inches deep, dresser, shelves, wainscot closet fronts, shingling 1-5 worn.”
It will be observed that in the matter of verbiage this primitive form rivals some of our present day household furniture forms and all will agree that this particular dwelling might have been covered just as effectually and identified quite as easily without such an elaborate description.
Any one who has an insurable interest in property should be permitted to have any form of contract that he is willing to pay for, provided it is not contrary to law or against public policy, and judging from a contract of insurance issued by a certain office not long ago the insuring public apparently has no difficulty in securing any kind of a policy it may desire at any price it may be willing to pay. The contract in ques¬ tion was one for £20,000, covering stock against loss from any cause, except theft on the part of employes, anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, on land or water, without any con¬ ditions, restrictions or limitations whatsoever, written at less than one-half the Exchange rate in the insured’s place of business. An insurance agent upon being asked whether he thought it was good, said that if the company was anywhere near as good as the form, it was all that could be desired, but vouchsafed the opinion that it looked altogether too good to be good.

The Insurance Society of New York
The Insurance Society of New York

In these days we frequently find concentrated within the walls of a single structure one set of fire insurance policies covering on building, another on leasehold interest, another on rents or rental value—and in addition to this, policies for various tenants covering stock, fixtures, improvements, profits and use and occupancy, subject to the 100% average or co-insurance clause, to say nothing of steam boiler, casualty and liability insurance, thereby entirely eliminating the ele¬ ment of personal risk on the part of the owners, and produc¬ ing a situation which will account in some measure for the 17,000 annual fire alarms and $15,000,000 fire loss in New York City; $230,000,000 annual fire loss in the country at large, and for the constantly increasing percentage of cases where there are two or more fires in the same building and two or more claims from the same claimant.
The most common and perhaps least understood phrase found in policies of fire insurance is what is known as the “Commission Clause,” which reads “his own or held by him in trust or on commission or sold but not delivered” or “re¬ moved.” This clause in one form or another has been in use for many years, and it was originally the impression of un¬ derwriters that owing to the personal nature of the insurance contract a policy thus worded would simply cover the prop¬ erty of the insured and his interest in the property of others, such as advances and storage charges, but the courts have disabused their minds of any such narrow interpretation and have placed such a liberal construction upon the words “held in trust” that they may be justly regarded as among the broadest in the insurance language and scarcely less com¬ prehensive than the familiar term “for account of whom it may concern”; in fact, the principles controlling one phrase are similar to those governing the other.
It has been held that whether a merchant or bailee has assumed responsibility, or agreed to keep the property cov¬ ered or whether he is legally liable or not, if his policies contain the words “held in trust,” the owner may, after a fire, by merely ratifying the insurance of the bailee, appro¬ priate that for which he paid nothing whatever and may file proofs and bring suit in his own name against the bailee’s insurers. Nor is this all, for in some jurisdictions, if the bailee fails to include the loss on property of the bailor in his claim against his insurers, or if he does include it and the amount of insurance collectible is less than the total loss, the bailee may not first reimburse himself for the loss on his own goods and hold the balance in trust for the owners, but must prorate the amount actually collected with those own¬ ers who may have adopted the insurance, although, if he has a lien on any of the goods for charges or advances, this may be deducted from the proportion of insurance money due such owners The phrase “for account of whom it may concern” was formerly confined almost entirely to marine insurance, but in recent years there has been an increasing tendency to intro¬ duce it into policies of fire insurance.
All authorities are agreed that the interests protected by a policy containing these words must have been within the contemplation of him who took out the policy at the time it was issued. It is not necessary that he should have in¬ tended it for the benefit of some then known and particular individuals, but it would include such classes of persons as were intended to be included and who these were may be shown by parol. The owners or others intended to be cov¬ ered may ratify the insurance after a loss and take the bene¬ fit of it, though ignorant of its existence at the time of the issuance of the policy, just the same as under the term “held in trust.”
The words “for account of whom it may concern” are not limited in their protection to those persons who were concerned at the time the insurance was taken out, but will protect those having an insurable interest and who are con¬ cerned at the time when the loss occurs. They will cover the interest of a subsequent purchaser of a part or the whole of the property and supersede the alienation clause of the policy (U. S. S. C.), Hagan and Martin vs. Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., 32 Ins. Law Journal, p. 47; 186 U. S. 423).
A contract of insurance written in the name of “John Doe & Co. for account of whom it may concern” should contain a clause reading “Loss, if any, to be adjusted with and payable to John Doe & Co.,” not “loss, if any, payable to them” or “loss, if any, payable to the assured,” as forms sometimes read.
Policies are frequently written in the name of a bailee covering “On merchandise, his own and on the property of others for which he is responsible,” or “for which he may be liable”—and it has been held that’the effect of these words is to limit the liability of the insurer to the loss on the assured’s own goods and to his legal liability for loss on goods belonging to others, but the words “for which they are or may be liable” have been passed upon by the Supreme Court of Illinois, and they have been given an entirely dif¬ ferent interpretation. That tribunal in the case of The Home Insurance Company vs. Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Co. (28 Insurance Law Journal, p. 289; 178 Ills. 64) decided that the words quoted were merely descriptive of the cars to be insured; that the word “liable” as used in the policy did not signify a perfected or fixed legal liability, but rather a con¬ dition out of which a legal liability might arise.
As illustrative of its position the court said that an assignor of a negotiable note may, with no incorrectness of speech, be said to be liable upon his assignment obligation is not an absolute fixed legal liability but is con¬ tingent upon the financial condition of the maker; and ac¬ cordingly held that the insurance company was liable for loss on all the cars in the possession of the railroad company, notwithstanding the fact that the latter was not legally liable to the owners.
In view of the exceedingly broad construction which the courts have placed upon the time honored and familiar phrases to which reference has been made, it is important for the party insured, whether it be a railroad or other transportation company, a warehouseman, a laundryman, a tailor, a com¬ mission merchant or other bailee, to determine before the fire whether he desires the insurance to be so broad in its cover as to embrace not only his own property and interest, but also the property of everybody else which may happen to be in his custody; if so, he should be careful to insure for a sufficiently large amount to meet all possible co-insurance conditions,, and if he wishes to make sure of being fully reimbursed for his own loss, his only safe course is to insure for the full value of all the property in his possession.
At this point the inquiry which naturally presents itself is, how should a policy be written if a merchant, warehouse¬ man or other bailee desires to protect his own interest but not the interest of any one else? The following form is suggested: “On merchandise his own, and on his interest in and on his legal liability for property held by him in trust or on commission or on joint account with others, or sold but not removed, or on storage or for repairs, while con¬ tained, etc.” This will, it is believed, limit the operation of co-insurance conditions and at the same time prevent the owners from adopting, appropriating or helping themselves to the bailee’s insurance, for which they pay nothing and to which they are not equitably entitled.
Many of the household furniture forms now in use, in addition to embracing almost every conceivable kind of per¬ sonal property except that specifically prohibited by the pol¬ icy conditions, are also made to cover similar property be¬ longing to any member of the family or household, visitors, guests and servants.
This form would seem to indicate considerable ingenu¬ ity on the part of the broker, broad liberality on the part of the insurance company and commendable generosity on the part of the insured, and the latter would probably feel more than compensated by being able to reimburse his guest for any fire damage he might sustain while enjoying his hospi¬ tality, but the amount of insurance carried under such a form should anticipate the possibility of his having a number of guests at one time and a corresponding increase in the value at risk.
It must be borne in mind that in localities where co- insurance conditions prevail the value of property belonging